Know more: WINNING Industrial Co., Ltd is professional in manufacturing auto electrical parts, e.g. Combination Switch, Ignition Starter Switch, Auto switch, Temperature and Oil Pressure Sensor etc. WINNING was established in 1979 based in Changhua, Taiwan. We not only supply leading aftermarket companies but also carry out projects with OEM factories. In order to maintain high levels of customer service, we are continually investing in new testing equipment and improving our production techniques. We're devoted to providing the best quality products with the most competitiv...
More info: We are a Taiwan base company for LED/LCD/TFT display solutions with factories located in Shenzhen. Our products range from office monitors, gaming monitors, ultra-wide screens, curved screens, smart TVs, smart boards, simple desktops, laptops, tablets, digital menu boards, digital signs,....etc. Our customers cover a wide range of industries, including Banks, Hotels, Hospitals, Shopping Malls, Supermarkets, Cinemas, Streets, Parks, Elevators, Surveillance Systems, Bus Stations, Railway Stations, Airports, Intersections of Expressway, Government Organizations, Offices, St...
Visit us: Flytech K730 Series - New Ultra-slim Panel PC with reliability and functionality that target at retail and hospitality industries, enabling you to provide better service and create higher values to consumers. K730 Series are designed with flexible modularity in mind, improving system maintenance cost and time. Multiple peripherals (Finger Print / 2D Scanner / MSR / RFID) and different standing style ( POS / Printer / Floor stand ) are able to meet your various usage scenario. Flytech K730 Series - New Ultra-slim Panel PC, the all-in-one solutions to fulfill your needs in different applications. Learn ...
2012年台灣平面顯示器展,邀請到日韓、歐美、大陸等國際大廠參展,吸引超過三千名的國外買主來台參觀採購,共計全球逾三萬名國內外參觀業者前來共襄盛舉,是全球平面顯示器相關產品資訊交流的良好平台,2013年台灣平面顯示器展,將於6月18日至20日在南港展覽館再度登場,本展將為台灣平面顯示器產業締造無限商機,敬請期待。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
2012年台灣平面顯示器展 6月19號到21號,將與國際光電大展、台灣太陽光店展、LED照明展、光通訊寬頻展等台北國際光電週系列活動,一同在南港展覽館盛大舉行,預計將吸引全球80餘國、4萬5千名參觀採購人潮。除了各家廠商最新的產品技術,展覽期間所舉辦的2012年市場及交易論壇也是業者不容錯過的重點,而深獲國內外廠商及買主讚賞的採購洽談會,今年則邀請到15國、20位重量級國際買主來台。台灣國際平面顯示器展,已準備好迎接國際嘉賓。您,更千萬不能錯過。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
Featuring solar power, LED, precision optics and photonic applications, Display Taiwan 2009 kicked off on June 10, 2009 at Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1. With all of the world's leading panel manufacturers showcasing their latest display technologies and products, "Display Taiwan" is not only a snapshot of the Taiwanese display industry's strength, but also the best platform for taking the Taiwanese display industry to the international stage. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
The 2009 International Flat Panel Display Exposition hosted by PIDA, SEMI, TAITRA & TCA is to cope with the massive development of Flat Panel Display (FPD) industry and to highlight the most advanced FPD technologies and popular FPD applications. For those interested in the future trends of the panel industry, don't miss the show! TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
第11屆「台灣平面顯示器展」由外貿協會(TAITRA)、光電科技工業協進會(PIDA)、國際半導體設備材料產業協會(SEMI)及台北市電腦商業同業公會(TCA)共同主辦,為全台最專業、規模最大之平面顯示器展覽會,2009年將於6月10日至12日於世貿一館隆重登場。不僅有奇美、友達、華映等台灣面板主力大廠持續為本展站台,國外知名面板大廠如康寧、3M、Nissan Chemical Industries等亦共同出席此年度盛會。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網