Visit us: Flytech K730 Series - New Ultra-slim Panel PC with reliability and functionality that target at retail and hospitality industries, enabling you to provide better service and create higher values to consumers. K730 Series are designed with flexible modularity in mind, improving system maintenance cost and time. Multiple peripherals (Finger Print / 2D Scanner / MSR / RFID) and different standing style ( POS / Printer / Floor stand ) are able to meet your various usage scenario. Flytech K730 Series - New Ultra-slim Panel PC, the all-in-one solutions to fulfill your needs in different applications. Learn ...
Visit us: When everyone's life is inseparable from mobile phones, such a capacitive touch screen will be a deep expectation of users. Capacitive touch screen is used very close to the usual mobile phone It can read the touch points by means of charge sensing. The user only needs to gently slide over by fingers, they can operate the device easily. Also, it hleps narrow distance between humans and machines. This 10.1" capacitive touch monitor is equipped with glass surface. Not only scratch-resistant and durable than other type, the clear appearance is also much impressed. Whatever it is used alon...
Meet Q-Cup Touch Transform your drinking water into safe & quality molecular hydrogen water in a little over 3 minutes. The new improved Q-Cup Touch design and software upgrades using Japanese SPE technology & Korean grade titanium will take you to the next level of hydrogen water hydration. Experience the natural healing properties of molecular hydrogen for your health today. Reduce Free Radicals & Get Healthier Researches have shown that harmful Free Radicals damage our cells and cause mutations. They are a major reason why we heal slower, get sick easily, age faster & develop various dis...
The "2014 Taipei International Computer Show” (COMPUTEX Taipei) is an annual big event in the global ICT industry. Launched with great fanfare in June, the show attracted a total of 1,710 exhibitors in 5,069 booths. Mediatek, the world's 2nd largest mobile phone chip maker and 4th largest ICT design house, took part in the show for the first time this year. More than 38,000 international buyers from around the world were attracted to the show. The five main themes this year were "Wearable Technology", "Mobile Computing", "Cloud Technology and Services", as well as the all-new "Touch Applications & Display Products ...
世界第二大、亞洲第一大資通訊專業展--「台北國際電腦展」(COMPUTEX TAIPEI)6月4日至8日在南港展覽館、世貿一館、三館及台北國際會議中心展出。年年聚集重量級ICT廠商發表新產品、新技術及新趨勢的「台北國際電腦展」,被譽為ICT產業的年度風向球。今年COMPUTEX TAIPEI之3大展覽主題為Cloud Technology and Services(雲端技術與服務)、Smart Mobility(智慧行動)及Touch Enabled Applications(觸控應用),聚焦世界ICT產業之最新發展趨勢,同時引領市場潮流。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
讓全球ICT產業人士引頸期待的「台北國際電腦展」(COMPUTEX TAIPEI)即將於6月4日至8日在南港展覽館、世貿一館、三館及台北國際會議中心展出,主辦單位外貿協會於6月3號辦理展前國際記者會,國際媒體雲集。 記者會中並辦理外貿協會與iF國際論壇設計共同合作的d&I awards創新設計獎頒獎典禮、及新產品發表。 COMPUTEX TAIPEI向來被視為ICT產業景氣風向球,據主辦單位外貿協會統計,今年國外買主預登人數比去年成長了約10%,本屆電腦展可望迎接3萬8,000名國際買主,買主數再創新高,而去度在會中辦理的1000場次採購洽談會,在外貿協會的努力之下,今年增加到1800場,預計5天的展期可創造250億美元的商機。 展覽期間還有超過100場次的研討會及論壇,有來自全球資通訊產業的領導業者,分享業界最前瞻性的觀點,對產業趨勢有興趣的您,絕對不能錯過這場年度精彩的風雲盛會。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
世界第二大、亞洲第一大資通訊專業展--「台北國際電腦展」(COMPUTEX TAIPEI)今年將於6月4日至8日在南港展覽館、世貿一館、三館及台北國際會議中心展出。今年COMPUTEX TAIPEI之3大展覽主題為Cloud Technology and Services(雲端技術與服務)、Smart Mobility(智慧行動)及Touch Enabled Applications(觸控應用),聚焦世界ICT產業之最新發展趨勢,同時引領市場潮流。呼應智慧行動潮流與需求,外貿協會推出「2013年台北國際電腦展官方APP」,首創結合NFC(近場無線通訊)技術,要讓使用者體驗「展覽服務x智慧行動」的雙重魅力。 將在展覽期間舉辦的COMPUTEX TAIPEI系列論壇也是不容錯過的亮點,搭配3大展覽主題本屆共將舉辦高峰論壇、雲端產業論壇、行動商務產業論壇及智慧生活產業論壇等4大論壇。邀請到高通總裁兼營運長Mr. Steve Mollenkopf及HTC行銷長何永生,帶領聽眾綜觀雲端科技與行動資源的兵家必爭之地,並深入解析穿戴式科技、體感技術等前瞻性議題。 由主辦單位外貿協會(TAITRA)委由德國iF公司執行、邁入第6屆的「台北國際...
2012年台灣平面顯示器展,邀請到日韓、歐美、大陸等國際大廠參展,吸引超過三千名的國外買主來台參觀採購,共計全球逾三萬名國內外參觀業者前來共襄盛舉,是全球平面顯示器相關產品資訊交流的良好平台,2013年台灣平面顯示器展,將於6月18日至20日在南港展覽館再度登場,本展將為台灣平面顯示器產業締造無限商機,敬請期待。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網