24 筆資料


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Know more: https://prodigital.en.taiwantrade.com/ Since 2005 Prodigital Technology Corp. being active in 40 different countries, works with electrical consultants,electricians,builder,building engineers,developer,architects,designers,international distributors and wholesalers. We're a manufacturer and also offer made to measure LED Lighting services. We supply lighting solutions to the interior, architecture and landscape sectors – from bars, nightclubs, restaurants, street furniture, window displays, garages, warehouses, warehouse docks, freight yards, house interior, building façades, billboard, wall washin...


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Know more: http://ghitron.en.taiwantrade.com Ghitron technology Co. Ltd., established in 2004, is a research-oriented company with strong professional R&D team. We actively and aggressively focused on sensor-related research and development,commit to provide best services and products to our customers. Contact us: https://ghitron.en.taiwantrade.com/contact/supplier #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com

Flat Display Technology Corporation - 10.1" Full Flat PCAP Monitor

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Visit us: https://www.fdt.com.tw/ When everyone's life is inseparable from mobile phones, such a capacitive touch screen will be a deep expectation of users. Capacitive touch screen is used very close to the usual mobile phone It can read the touch points by means of charge sensing. The user only needs to gently slide over by fingers, they can operate the device easily. Also, it hleps narrow distance between humans and machines. This 10.1" capacitive touch monitor is equipped with glass surface. Not only scratch-resistant and durable than other type, the clear appearance is also much impressed. Whatever it is used alon...


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More info: https://www.ubiqconn.com/en/index.php#home With over 40 years’ experience in providing ODM services across diverse industries, Ubiqconn’s zero-to-market solution keeps you stay competitive and innovative. The all-round services we deliver include standard modules, high-fidelity prototypes, unmatched design, smart manufacturing, and logistics. Our extraordinary design capabilities lie in hardware platforms (X86 and ARM), rugged mechanical structure, seamless wireless connectivity, smart battery management, wide-range vehicle power, and software services. Sourcing more Taiwan Products: ht...

Display Taiwan 2013 : an excellent platform for exhibition

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Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), Taipei Computer Association, Photonics Industry and Technology Development Association (PIDA), and Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International jointly hosted Display Taiwan 2013, which ran from June 18 to 20 at Nankang Exhibition Hall for three days in a row. Along with the Photonics Festival in Taiwan 2013 running at the same time, the shows used 1,502 booths for altogether 649 exhibitors throughout the world. This three-day show attracted 33,187 visitors from around the world, marking a growth of 9.1% from the previous year. Among the vi...

2013台灣平面顯示器展 最好的展示交流平台

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6月18日至20日一連3天於南港展覽館展出的「2013年台灣平面顯示器展(Display Taiwan)」,由中華民國對外貿易發展協會(TAITRA)、台北市電腦商業同業公會、光電科技工業協進會及國際半導體設備材料產業協會共同主辦,與同檔期辦理的「2013年台北國際光電週」一共使用1,502個攤位,合計649家國內外參展廠商。3天展期共計吸引33,187名國內外參觀業者,較去年成長9.1%,其中國外買主人數達3,216人,較去年成長5%,前5大買主國分別為日本、中國大陸、美國、韓國及德國。 展覽第一天下午,主辦單位外貿協會特地安排中國大陸電子視像行業協會的白為民副會長率團至展場參觀,該團此次來台採購面板及相關零組件,預估採購金額將近45億美元。 台灣平面顯示器產業由於業者產能持續投入,同時帶動上游關鍵零組件在地化發展,形成極為完整的產業聚落,成為全球面板主要供應來源。去年(2012)台灣平面顯示器產值約530億美元,排名世界第二,約占全球的1/3,僅次於韓國。根據光電協會調查統計,全球及台灣的平面顯示器產業今年都將呈現成長的態勢,去年全球平面顯示器產值達1,660億美元,預估今年將上看1,750億美元,成...

貿協牽線 白為民第5度來台採購面板

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2013台灣平面顯示器展(Display Taiwan)今(18)日開幕,「2013年海峽兩岸智能電視產業合作研討會」同步登場,中國電子視像行業協會副會長白為民應外貿協會(TAITRA)邀請,第5度率領大陸8大彩電廠來台採購。白為民表示,今年預計對台採購3,000萬片面板,總計金額約45億美元,採購將以大尺寸電視面板為主。

2012年台灣平面顯示器展 產業創新最前線

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2012年台灣平面顯示器展,邀請到日韓、歐美、大陸等國際大廠參展,吸引超過三千名的國外買主來台參觀採購,共計全球逾三萬名國內外參觀業者前來共襄盛舉,是全球平面顯示器相關產品資訊交流的良好平台,2013年台灣平面顯示器展,將於6月18日至20日在南港展覽館再度登場,本展將為台灣平面顯示器產業締造無限商機,敬請期待。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網