71 筆資料

Wentai Technology Corp. - Power your life intelligently

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Know more: https://wentaitek.en.taiwantrade.com/ Wentai Technology Corp. established in 1983 in Taiwan, has over 40 years of experience in providing power supply , LED smart lighting, ATX power supply unit, car electronics, ICT electronics OEM/ODM solutions and PCB assembly service . Wentai Technology has in-house R&D department where all of product designing, drafting, building and testing are done. Our production facilities are based in New Taipei City of Taiwan, Shenzhen and Suzhou of China. Wentai Technology designs, develops, and manufactures products for leading lighting and electronics device supplie...

穩態光電科技 | LED燈具及電源、智能AIoT解決方案 - 永續環保的節能企業

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了解更多:https://wentaitek.en.taiwantrade.com/ 穩態集團成立於1983年,起初從事電源連接線的研發與製造,因應綠色節能市場的需求,自2002年投入螢光燈電子安定器及LED驅動電源的研發,從燈具組裝到OEM/ODM生產,不斷完善管理制度與提升技術水平,以全球視角發展業務。 穩態光電科技符合國際領先的產業標準,並通過中立審核機構每年進行認證。穩態不僅是通過ISO9001 / ISO14001和IATF16949認證的製造商,還符合RoHS環保指令和SONY SS-00259管理規定。同時,穩態也具有鄧白氏企業認證(D&B DUNS® Certified Profile的驗證,值得國際客戶的合作與信賴。 面對全球氣候變遷危機,穩態科技早在十多年前就已通過ISO 14001認證,並部署環境管理系統(EMS)。 依循ISO 14001管理原則謹守嚴格的EMS標準,保持營運能迅速回應終端市場和客戶需求。穩態致力於產品的研發與技術創新,提供高效率的節能方案,為環境的永續發展盡一份心力。目標是成為一家持續進步與成長的公司,可以隨時迎接新的挑戰。在工業4.0的智慧製造、無線連網的智慧照明、AI數位節能...


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Know more: https://prodigital.en.taiwantrade.com/ Since 2005 Prodigital Technology Corp. being active in 40 different countries, works with electrical consultants,electricians,builder,building engineers,developer,architects,designers,international distributors and wholesalers. We're a manufacturer and also offer made to measure LED Lighting services. We supply lighting solutions to the interior, architecture and landscape sectors – from bars, nightclubs, restaurants, street furniture, window displays, garages, warehouses, warehouse docks, freight yards, house interior, building façades, billboard, wall washin...

PRODIGITAL TECHNOLOGY CORP - Architectural lighting

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More info:http://prodigital.en.taiwantrade.com Since 2005 Prodigital being active in 40 different countries, Prodigital works with architects, building engineers, lighting designers, electrical consultants, electricians, international distributors and wholesalers. We don’t just make lights; we help build the future! We provide a full range of engineering services from project planning and design to implementation with customization to meet clients' needs. Our advantages are, our solutions and services are reasonably priced. We provide full range of services turnkey with further maintenance. We are reliable. We are searchin...


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More info: http://raphaelpower.en.taiwantrade.com Raphael company business centers around the designs and manufacture of Industrial computer peripheral products. The major product are AC-DC Converter, DC-DC Power, POE and POS power, Medical power, Network, Telecom power, Gaming power, Adapter and Redundancy power are our world-leading products. Contact us:https://raphaelpower.en.taiwantrade.com/contact/supplier online shop:https://raphaelpower.en.taiwantrade.com/online-shop #Taiwantrade Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com

Euclid Technology - Full Face Filter Mask

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More info: https://euclidauto.en.taiwantrade.com/ The birth and continuation of Euclid Technology is the epitome of Taiwan’s economic development. It was established in November 2008. From the earliest manufacturing tool improvement, cutting machine design and manufacturing, further we design and manufacture special equipment according to customer needs, including: Wafer breaker、Chip-counter、Grinding Machine、Mounter、Tapping、Metal Lift-off、Wafer Transfer、Expender…etc. Even participate in the automation planning and development of production lines in different industries. Euclid Technology t...

CitySmart Optotec Corporation

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More info: http://citysmart.en.taiwantrade.com CitySmart, a company which composed with a group of energetic and young professionals, is a company that specialized in architectural lighting solutions. Providing our clients with the most detailed lighting/construction solutions and after-sales services have always been our perseverance! The philosophy of teamwork and collaboration is the hallmark at CitySmart. Working with architects, engineers, owners, landscape architects, developers, interior designers and others, CitySmart designs innovative lighting solutions for all types of corporate、governmental and institution...

YCCT Opto-Electronic Tech Co., Ltd.

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Visit us: http://www.ycchitang.com.tw YCCT Opto-Electronic Tech Co., Ltd. was established since 2006. We are a professional manufacturer of power supplies and game machine spare parts in Taiwan. We provide our products to the most important arcade game machine manufacturers in Taiwan for over 14 years, and have long experience as an OEM/ODM manufacturer for many electronic device makes. Also, we export our products to worldwide for years as well. Contact: Mike Su E-mail: s9282@ms51.hinet.net & jennifer.chen@ycchitang.com.tw Skype:ycct1201 http://www.ycchitang.com.tw Sourcing more Taiwan Pro...