#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 https://www.kthfoods.com Kuang Ta Hsiang was established in 1932 that has been certified with ISO 22000 and HACCP awards. We provide over 20 kinds of canned meat products for customers' choice, and the pork products are our staple products and the best sellers. The Pork Floss has been using the pork shoulders as the main ingredient, which has the perfect proportion of lean meat, and makes it as the best cut of pork for making pork floss. For Fish Floss, we use premium uncontaminated yellowfin tuna from the Indian ocean to cook this crispy, nutritious and delicious tuna...
#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 https://www.kthfoods.com Kuang Ta Hsiang was established in 1932 that has been certified with ISO 22000 and HACCP awards. We provide over 20 kinds of canned meat products for customers' choice, and the pork products are our staple products and the best sellers. The Pork Floss has been using the pork shoulders as the main ingredient, which has the perfect proportion of lean meat, and makes it as the best cut of pork for making pork floss. For Fish Floss, we use premium uncontaminated yellowfin tuna from the Indian ocean to cook this crispy, nutritious and delicious tuna...
了解更多:https://wentaitek.en.taiwantrade.com/ 穩態集團成立於1983年,起初從事電源連接線的研發與製造,因應綠色節能市場的需求,自2002年投入螢光燈電子安定器及LED驅動電源的研發,從燈具組裝到OEM/ODM生產,不斷完善管理制度與提升技術水平,以全球視角發展業務。 穩態光電科技符合國際領先的產業標準,並通過中立審核機構每年進行認證。穩態不僅是通過ISO9001 / ISO14001和IATF16949認證的製造商,還符合RoHS環保指令和SONY SS-00259管理規定。同時,穩態也具有鄧白氏企業認證(D&B DUNS® Certified Profile的驗證,值得國際客戶的合作與信賴。 面對全球氣候變遷危機,穩態科技早在十多年前就已通過ISO 14001認證,並部署環境管理系統(EMS)。 依循ISO 14001管理原則謹守嚴格的EMS標準,保持營運能迅速回應終端市場和客戶需求。穩態致力於產品的研發與技術創新,提供高效率的節能方案,為環境的永續發展盡一份心力。目標是成為一家持續進步與成長的公司,可以隨時迎接新的挑戰。在工業4.0的智慧製造、無線連網的智慧照明、AI數位節能...
Know more: https://ferro-carbon.en.taiwantrade.com/ Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com FECA Main Products: 1. Tile-Cutters & Related Tools 2. Houseware Suction Cup Series FECA Introduction: 1. Established in 1989, we founded our first brand "FERRO-CARBON". Processing tiles, building materials, tools, components and trading became our main management projects. 2. In 1999, we founded the second brand - "TILE CRAFT". We designed and invented a tile cutter that has a light Aluminum base in place of the original heavy iron plate. The tile cutter is patented in both the U.S and Tai...
Know more: https://sangmao.en.taiwantrade.com/ Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com Established in 1984, Sang Mao Enterprise Co. Ltd is an ISO 9001:2015 certified manufacturer of safety protection devices for electrical and electronic circuitry. We offer a wide range of thermal Circuit Breakers, Thermostats, and Motor Protection products that answer OVERLOAD, OVERHEAT, SURGE, and GROUND FAULT problems. Our products comply with UL, CSA, VDE, TUV, 3C safety regulations. We also offer OEM, ODM support. Sang Mao is constantly supplying to esteemed global companies, such as ASAHI...
「臺灣會展產業發展計畫」為協助臺灣會展產業落實綠色會展並與國際環保永續接軌,106年12月8日辦理「綠色會展及循環經濟座談會暨授證典禮」邀請國際貿易局副組長張淑逸、執行單位外貿協會秘書長葉明水致詞,共同分享最具前瞻性的綠色會展新知,並同時表揚106年各項綠色獎項及國際認證獲獎單位。 葉明水指出,感謝政府持續協助,已有越來越多業者導入綠色會展作法,也已累積約20案會展業者取得碳足跡、碳盤查、ISO 20121等國際認證,感謝這些認證和參賽獲獎的單位,和貿協一同努力,讓臺灣的綠色會展走得更快、更廣,推動循環經濟,創造我國會展優質綠色永續形象。 張淑逸表示,永續發展已是國際共識,政府也積極推動減碳計畫和循環經濟,經濟部國際貿易局於2013年起便率先推動綠色會展,鼓勵會展相關單位採行低碳環保作法,在追求會展產業高經濟價值的同時,對環境和社會的關懷也十分重要,本年度開始執行的「臺灣會展產業發展計畫」持續深化會展界利害相關者的綠色概念,並與國際接軌,成果豐碩。 貿協表示,臺灣會展產業在經濟部國際貿易局帶領下,除持續朝國際化、精緻化、科技化等方向前進,「綠色化」更是讓臺灣會展與眾不同之亮點,推廣迄今,感謝...
為使台灣會展產業與國際環保永續潮流接軌,經濟部國際貿易局會展領航計畫將2012年國際監公告的ISO20121活動永續管理系統融入台灣會展產業中,由外貿協會(TAITRA)執行的2014國際綠色產品展(TiGiS)更領先亞洲,取得全球知名驗證機構SGS在亞洲所頒發的第一張ISO20121活動永續管理系統(Event Sustainability Management System)國際展覽驗證證書。外貿協會在綠色產品展規劃設計階段起,即逐步落實永續作為,不僅提升展覽品牌形象,更為日後展覽樹立新典範。 2014國際綠色產品展|http://www.epif2014.com/ 台灣經貿網|http://www.taiwantrade.com.tw/
2012台灣國際扣件展,為國內唯一專業扣件產業國際展覽會,定位為B2B專業展覽。展出項目以扣件及相關產品/服務為主軸,即將於3月13日至14日在高雄市的高雄巨蛋以及漢神巨蛋盛大展出。展出內容有各式扣件產品、扣件生產製造設備、扣件工具、檢測儀器及相關產品/服務,預計將徵集250家廠商使用400個攤位,並吸引近10,000名國內外專業人士到場參觀採購。展覽完整呈現台灣高度整合的扣件產業供應鏈,打造亞洲地區最專業的採購及產業訊息交流平台。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網