#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 https://www.kthfoods.com Kuang Ta Hsiang was established in 1932 that has been certified with ISO 22000 and HACCP awards. We provide over 20 kinds of canned meat products for customers' choice, and the pork products are our staple products and the best sellers. The Pork Floss has been using the pork shoulders as the main ingredient, which has the perfect proportion of lean meat, and makes it as the best cut of pork for making pork floss. For Fish Floss, we use premium uncontaminated yellowfin tuna from the Indian ocean to cook this crispy, nutritious and delicious tuna...
#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 https://www.kthfoods.com Kuang Ta Hsiang was established in 1932 that has been certified with ISO 22000 and HACCP awards. We provide over 20 kinds of canned meat products for customers' choice, and the pork products are our staple products and the best sellers. The Pork Floss has been using the pork shoulders as the main ingredient, which has the perfect proportion of lean meat, and makes it as the best cut of pork for making pork floss. For Fish Floss, we use premium uncontaminated yellowfin tuna from the Indian ocean to cook this crispy, nutritious and delicious tuna...
2022年台北國際食品系列展於疫情後首度回歸6月份檔期,6/22-25於南港展覽1館及2館盛大展出。該展匯聚23國1,097家參展商使用3,105個攤位,規模較上屆(2021年)成長133%,展出全球優質美味、食品加工/包裝機械、包裝材料與餐飲設備,完整呈現食品產業供應鏈。 貿協董事長黃志芳於開幕致詞時化身美食家帶領眾人體驗五大洲美食,展現台北國際食品系列展國際化的一面。總統蔡英文致詞時則表示,台北國際食品系列展除了是亞洲極具規模的食品平台,更是文化交流重要的平台,透過食品可以呈現各國自身文化特色,亦能傳遞溫暖的人情味。立陶宛農業部政次Mr. Egidijus Giedraitis也於致詞時提及藉本次機會台灣消費者可找到更多來自立陶宛的產品,並希望透過與台灣的合作進入亞洲市場。 濃厚的異國風味的台北國際食品展,由18國國家館展出各地精選特色食飲品文化。本次為第二屆參展的立陶宛館,聯合財團法人中華穀類食品工業技術研究所,以及吳寶春、武子靖兩位世界麵包冠軍與賴文典、鄒致誠等知名烘培專家,使用立陶宛的麵粉製成多種烘焙產品並提供現場試吃。另外,美、日、韓等熱門館今年更是擴大展出規模,帶來精釀啤酒、高品質人蔘、特選咖...
Aqua Taiwan surges with the success of the 2014 water show when it returns to Kaohsiung Exhibition Center from Sep. 30th to Oct. 2nd 2015. To make it happen, TAITRA is joining the complete water industry supply chain to display with their best products, tech and equipment from up, mid and downstream suppliers. This comprehensive professional display and trade platform comes with seminars and procurement meetings that unfold a one stop, all-inclusive platform for buyers from home and abroad. Aqua Taiwan 2015 is set to make big ripples to enhance your business! The show is organized by Taiwan Extern...
"Good taste is the best carrier of memory and culture" is the motto of KUANG TA HSIANG, a long and old established brand in Taiwan. Founded during the Japanese colonial period, KUANG TA HSIANG has been running business for over 80 years, and its own history is an epitome of Taiwan's food industry development. Its fried pork paste, fried pork fiber and jerky still play important roles for most people at mealtimes, as a legacy of deliciousness. KUANG TA SHIANG, a company rooted in Taiwan,Through selling abundant products word widely, KUANG TA HSIANG wishes to not only satisfy the Chinese appetite, bu...
TaiSPO 2012 will be held from March 6 to 9 at the TWTC Hall 1 and Hall 3.Organized by TAITRA,TaiSPO is sponsored by Taiwan Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association and Taipei Sporting Goods Association.Up to 350 exhibitors are expected to occupy 1,750 booths,making TaiSPO not only Taiwan's only international sporting good trade show but also the second largest of its kind in Asia. The gathering of leading local vendors will showcase the accumulated experience, technology and innovative research of Taiwan sporting goods vendors to the world. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網