#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 https://www.kthfoods.com Kuang Ta Hsiang was established in 1932 that has been certified with ISO 22000 and HACCP awards. We provide over 20 kinds of canned meat products for customers' choice, and the pork products are our staple products and the best sellers. The Pork Floss has been using the pork shoulders as the main ingredient, which has the perfect proportion of lean meat, and makes it as the best cut of pork for making pork floss. For Fish Floss, we use premium uncontaminated yellowfin tuna from the Indian ocean to cook this crispy, nutritious and delicious tuna...
#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 https://www.kthfoods.com Kuang Ta Hsiang was established in 1932 that has been certified with ISO 22000 and HACCP awards. We provide over 20 kinds of canned meat products for customers' choice, and the pork products are our staple products and the best sellers. The Pork Floss has been using the pork shoulders as the main ingredient, which has the perfect proportion of lean meat, and makes it as the best cut of pork for making pork floss. For Fish Floss, we use premium uncontaminated yellowfin tuna from the Indian ocean to cook this crispy, nutritious and delicious tuna...
"Good taste is the best carrier of memory and culture" is the motto of KUANG TA HSIANG, a long and old established brand in Taiwan. Founded during the Japanese colonial period, KUANG TA HSIANG has been running business for over 80 years, and its own history is an epitome of Taiwan's food industry development. Its fried pork paste, fried pork fiber and jerky still play important roles for most people at mealtimes, as a legacy of deliciousness. KUANG TA SHIANG, a company rooted in Taiwan,Through selling abundant products word widely, KUANG TA HSIANG wishes to not only satisfy the Chinese appetite, bu...