The 27th Taipei International Cycle Show and the 41st Taipei International Sporting Goods Show, both organized by TAITRA. With 5,054 booths occupying 80,000 square meters, these concurrent shows are the largest ever in the history of these Shows, and form the most comprehensive sporting goods purchasing platforms in Asia. Taipei Cycle 2014| TaiSPO 2014| Taiwan International Trade Shows| Taiwantrade|
亞洲最大盛事,由外貿協會(TAITRA)與台灣自行車輸出業同業公會共同主辦「2014年台北國際自行車展(Taipei Cycle)」,以及台灣體育用品產業界最具指標性之「台北國際體育用品展(TaiSPO)」聯手盛大舉辦,隨著展覽規模的擴大,國內外指標性廠商雲集,廠商及買主人數將有所成長,預計迎接來自世界各地逾10,000名國外買主,足見台灣品質在國際間受到重視,期待聯手帶來更多商機,共同打造亞洲、世界級的大型採購平台! 台北國際自行車展覽會| 台北國際體育用品展覽會| 台灣國際專業展| 台灣經貿網|
"The Taipei International Sporting Goods Show (TaiSPO)", which is hosted by Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) and co-sponsored by Taiwan Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association (TSMA) and Taipei Sporting Goods Association, is celebrating its fortieth year as the premier sporting goods trade show in the region. This year, the number of exhibitors is a record-breaking 362 corporations, with 1,750 booths used. The number of visitors also broke the records set in previous years. Foreign buyers number 3,151 persons, a growth of 2% over the last year. The most significant growth is seen in the number o...
March 19, 2013 in Taipei will mark a milestone in cycling with TAIPEI CYCLE kicking off its 26th year at the TWTC Hall 1 2F and Nangang Exbition Hall. TAIPEI CYCLE, SPOMODE, and TaiSPO will stage a joint catwalk in the TWTC Exhibition Hall 1 2F. "TAIPEI CYCLE d&i Award" and "Tour de Taiwan" also catching international attention with Taipei Cycle 2013! Think bicycle, think Taiwan -- Where bikes set the future! The Show Organizer is Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA). TAIPEI CYCLE 2013 | TAIPEI CYCLE d&i Award |
由外貿協會舉辦的2012台北國際自行車展,匯集台灣與世界各國頂尖品牌與製造商,從零件到整車,完整呈現自行車產業最高水準的全面體驗。本次展覽規模超越以往,國際買主人數亦再創新高,台北國際自行車展已成為全球自行車產業重要年度盛事。同時,也是向世界呈現自行車產業的最新科技、最高品質、創意及創新能力的最佳舞台。 展覽期間另結合SPOMODE、TAISPO與DIWAS,四大運動主題展,為相關產業買主打造一次購足的交流採購平台。 想要了解自行車產業的未來風貌與趨勢,台北國際自行車展絕對是您不能錯過的最佳選擇! TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
TaiSPO 2012 will be held from March 6 to 9 at the TWTC Hall 1 and Hall 3.Organized by TAITRA,TaiSPO is sponsored by Taiwan Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association and Taipei Sporting Goods Association.Up to 350 exhibitors are expected to occupy 1,750 booths,making TaiSPO not only Taiwan's only international sporting good trade show but also the second largest of its kind in Asia. The gathering of leading local vendors will showcase the accumulated experience, technology and innovative research of Taiwan sporting goods vendors to the world. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網