#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 http://www.shuangjiang1986.com/ Shuang Jiang Assam Black Tea is the classic signature of its menu. The unique black tea aroma is combined with a 5 cm thick savory and fragrant cheese foam. The refreshing tea pairs perfectly with the smooth cheese foam, creating a delicious beverage that has caused a sensation and high demand both domestically and internationally. #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts #BlackTea Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com
#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 www.cornalley.com.tw 1. 熱帶水果製成,無添加香精色素,新鮮風味完整呈現 2. 台灣水果世界聞名,品質甜度高、香氣濃厚,用荔枝、紅心芭樂、百香果、愛文芒果製作冰淇淋,風味截然不同,具獨特香氣,品嘗最熱帶的甜美風情! 1. Taiwanese ice cream made of tropical fruits, without adding flavors and pigments, the fresh flavor is fully presented 2. Taiwan’s fruits are world-renowned for their high-quality sweetness and strong aroma. Ice cream is made with lychee, red guava, passion fruit, and Aiwen mango. The flavor is completely different and has a unique aroma. Taste the sweetest tropical flavor! #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts #icecream Sourcing more Taiwan ...
#Taiwantrade #Taiwanfood ● Know more 👉 https://www.nutrabeauty-store.com/ Plus+ Collagen Peptide Powder: 1. Use The Natural Powder Of Collagen – With VERISOL VERISOL, made by GELITA, the German manufacturer, consists of special Collagen Peptides – important components for supporting healthy skin. 2. Plus A Beauty Secret – With ORICERA ORICERA is a patented phytoceramides that helps restore the ceramides content of the skin. 3. Enhance skin benefit with Sodium Hyaluronate 4. Enhance absorption of collagen with Vitamin C Fish Collagen Peptide Powder: 1. It is made from purified hydrolyzed colla...
#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 https://www.nutrabeauty-store.com/ Plus+ Collagen Peptide Powder: 1. Use The Natural Powder Of Collagen – With VERISOL VERISOL, made by GELITA, the German manufacturer, consists of special Collagen Peptides – important components for supporting healthy skin. 2. Plus A Beauty Secret – With ORICERA ORICERA is a patented phytoceramides that helps restore the ceramides content of the skin. 3. Enhance skin benefit with Sodium Hyaluronate 4. Enhance absorption of collagen with Vitamin C Fish Collagen Peptide Powder: 1. It is made from purified hydrolyzed colla...
#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 https://www.tangshop.com.tw/ 1. The “Tang Shop Michelin Nougat Gift Box” was developed with Lisa Crowe, a pastry chef from a Two Michelin Stars Restaurant in the UK. 2. Using Japanese trehalose sugar to reduce sweetness. 3. Using locally sourced organic dried fruits to enhance aroma and texture, making it even healthier. 4. Not just food, but a handcrafted, heartwarming gift. #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts #Food Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com"
#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 https://www.tangshop.com.tw/ 1. The “Tang Shop Michelin Nougat Gift Box” was developed with Lisa Crowe, a pastry chef from a Two Michelin Stars Restaurant in the UK. 2. Using Japanese trehalose sugar to reduce sweetness. 3. Using locally sourced organic dried fruits to enhance aroma and texture, making it even healthier. 4. Not just food, but a handcrafted, heartwarming gift. #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts #Food Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com
台灣最美味的冬粉─日正食品,於1975年成立,首創食品雜糧小包裝品牌化,建立小包裝雜糧穀類與粉類的領導品牌地位,在全台銷貨通路5000點以上,外銷五大洲。目前除了國內市場,日正食品也積極數位轉型,加強運用電商增加海外銷售,台灣經貿網也是他們的首選平台,此外,目前也透過外貿協會與亞馬遜合作的TA星鏈計畫,擴大上架至亞馬遜等平臺,提升品牌知名度,搶攻海外商機。 日正食品台灣經貿網企業網👉https://sunfood.en.taiwantrade.com/ 台灣經貿網提供完整數位貿易生態圈,從金物流到數位行銷一應俱全,並提供專屬優惠與支援,助你開拓與行銷雙乘加倍,還有眾多服務,任你運用,心動不如馬上行動❗❗ 【年終促銷 限時專送】🎉10-12月加入,還有獨家優惠及好禮,立即送你實用小家電! \ 限時 / 線上了解促銷方案👉 https://ttpromote.taiwantrade.com/ ► 立即來電免費專線諮詢 📞 0800-506-066 ► 訂閱台灣經貿網頻道 https://bit.ly/3Dqleyj 台灣經貿網 與您一起迎接數位貿易時代 📌中文網站:https://info.taiwantrade....
Know more: http://taifoods.en.taiwantrade.com TAI FOODS MARKETING CO., LTD was established in 2013. Its business projects focus on Taiwan’s representative food and souvenirs, and promote the island’s cuisine to the markets of Taiwan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, East Asia, and East Asia. At this stage, it is not only exporting its products to overseas countries, but also actively developing the Taiwanese group buying market. The agency's products are diversified and rich, and the key task is to sell Chinese cuisine to the world. It is hoped that the "Taihu Selected" quality assurance will bring customers an unforgettable...