台灣最美味的冬粉─日正食品,於1975年成立,首創食品雜糧小包裝品牌化,建立小包裝雜糧穀類與粉類的領導品牌地位,在全台銷貨通路5000點以上,外銷五大洲。目前除了國內市場,日正食品也積極數位轉型,加強運用電商增加海外銷售,台灣經貿網也是他們的首選平台,此外,目前也透過外貿協會與亞馬遜合作的TA星鏈計畫,擴大上架至亞馬遜等平臺,提升品牌知名度,搶攻海外商機。 日正食品台灣經貿網企業網👉 台灣經貿網提供完整數位貿易生態圈,從金物流到數位行銷一應俱全,並提供專屬優惠與支援,助你開拓與行銷雙乘加倍,還有眾多服務,任你運用,心動不如馬上行動❗❗ 【年終促銷 限時專送】🎉10-12月加入,還有獨家優惠及好禮,立即送你實用小家電! \ 限時 / 線上了解促銷方案👉 ► 立即來電免費專線諮詢 📞 0800-506-066 ► 訂閱台灣經貿網頻道 台灣經貿網 與您一起迎接數位貿易時代 📌中文網站:https://info.taiwantrade....
Computex Taipei is the worlds leading ICT procurement platform generates more than US$ 20 billion in 2008, with more than 1800 global exhibitors from around the world, , and stages at the hub of computer technology in Taipei See it, Hear it, Touch it, Buy and Sell it. Youll find all the latest technologies, products, and the best business opportunities at Computex Taipei. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
Computex Taipei is the worlds leading ICT procurement platform generates more than US$ 20 billion in 2008, with more than 1800 global exhibitors from around the world, , and stages at the hub of computer technology in Taipei See it, Hear it, Touch it, Buy and Sell it. Youll find all the latest technologies, products, and the best business opportunities at Computex Taipei. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網