2009年台北國際電腦展,6月6日下午圓滿成功落幕。今年COMPUTEX TAIPEI中,完全看不到景氣低迷氣氛,各式技術、新產品的發佈,呈現出台灣廠商化危機為轉機的信心與充沛動能。共計1,712家廠商使用4,498個攤位,前4日吸引來自214國的國際買主32,178名,國內外參觀人數超越100,000人,較去年分別成長1%與5%,更加鞏固及其全球領先資通訊採購平台地位。 In COMPUTEX 2009, for the pass four days, the show welcomed 32,178 int'l buyers from 214 countries and more 100,000 international and local vistors. For the past 29 years, COMPUTEX Taipei has transformed itself into not only the world's leading ICT procurement platform, but also a perfact world stage for new product and technology launched from home and abroad. TAITRA 外貿協會 / T...
全球第二大B2B電腦專業展,COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2009, 由6月2日開始一連5天,在台北南港展覽館與世貿一、三館,及台北國際會議中心盛大開幕。在不景氣中,今年的參展廠商家數與攤位數和去年相當,在國際大展相繼萎縮的狀況下,實屬難得。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
亞洲最大B2B 專業電腦展 COMPUTEX,將邁入第29屆的台北國際電腦展,嚴然躍升成為世界第二大專業電腦展。匯集全球最新 最夯3C產品的COMPUTEX今年又為買主與玩家帶來什麼新的衝擊? TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
Computex Taipei is the worlds leading ICT procurement platform generates more than US$ 20 billion in 2008, with more than 1800 global exhibitors from around the world, , and stages at the hub of computer technology in Taipei See it, Hear it, Touch it, Buy and Sell it. Youll find all the latest technologies, products, and the best business opportunities at Computex Taipei. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
Computex Taipei is the worlds leading ICT procurement platform generates more than US$ 20 billion in 2008, with more than 1800 global exhibitors from around the world, , and stages at the hub of computer technology in Taipei See it, Hear it, Touch it, Buy and Sell it. Youll find all the latest technologies, products, and the best business opportunities at Computex Taipei. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
As it approaches its 28th year, Computex Taipei, the world's leading ICT procurement platform for professionals, will enter a whole new phases by doubling in size with a new exhibition hall in the district of Nan-gang. The largest Computext Taipei ever is set to begin! This video is made by Taiwantrade, organized by the Bureau of Foreign Trade under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and implemented by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網