13 筆資料

2015 COMPUTEX TAIPEI盛大開幕 國內外大廠雲集

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由外貿協會(TAITRA)及台北市電腦公會共同主辦之全球ICT產業年度盛會「2015年台北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX TAIPEI)」在6月2日於南港展館盛大展開。 外貿協會梁國新董事長致詞時表示,邁入行動通訊時代之後,台灣儼然掌握了供應鏈當中絕大部分環節的製造技術及能力,從晶圓代工、IC設計、相機鏡頭、觸控面板等關鍵零組件生產,到組裝代工一應俱全。35年來COMPUTEX與台灣的資通訊產業共同成長壯大,現在已經是亞洲最大、全球第2大的資通訊展會。 梁國新說,本屆展覽共有來自21國1,702家廠商使用5,072個攤位,聚焦三大主題亮點,包括智慧聯網、行動應用、雲端技術與服務。歐美大廠如Intel、Microsoft、Ford等,台灣龍頭業者如宏碁、華碩、聯發科、台達電等,都在COMPUTEX中展示最新產品。而全球第一大半導體封測廠日月光、中國大陸第一大家電廠海爾都是今年首次參展,另外也有多年來首次大規模參展的廠商,如全球晶片架構龍頭ARM及我國知名品牌明碁電通(BENQ)。 中華民國總統馬英九致詞時表示,台灣向來是資通訊產品的主要生產國,根據統計,2015年全球通訊設備成長率7.9%,產值將達5千億...

2014年台北國際電腦展 開創科技大未來

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全球ICT產業年度大事「2014年台北國際電腦展」於6月3日至7日展出,共有1,710家廠商使用5,069個攤位,展區橫跨全世貿一館、三館、南港展覽館及台北國際會議中心,預計吸引超過3萬8,000名來自世界各地的國際買主。今年5大主題亮點包括:「穿戴式技術」、「行動運算」、「雲端技術與服務」及全新展區「觸控及顯示產品區」及「智慧科技應用區」。 全球第二大手機晶片廠、第四大IC設計廠聯發科技今年也將首度參展,將展出穿戴式裝置、數位家庭、無線技術及物聯網等多款解決方案。Acer全力發展「BYOC自建雲」,布局可無縫接軌PC及行動裝置的開放式雲端平台,迎接物聯網的龐大商機。華碩則將秀出以非常極致、創新為概念打造的筆電、平板和智慧手機等全系列新產品。 COMPUTEX在我國出口貿易上佔有關鍵地位,相當於去年台灣ICT產品出口總值1,100億美元的兩成,將持續為我國今年的出口乃至於經濟成長注入動能,因此主辦單位外貿協會(TAITAR)於展覽期間也將舉辦超過1千場次的一對一採購洽談會,預期本屆展覽可望締造250億美元的商機。 COMPUTEX不僅為最佳採購平台亦是最佳的新產品、新趨勢的發表平台,今年COM...

Visitors Packed The Floors of COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2013!

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For 5 incredible days, visitors experienced the future of ICT at COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2013. Being the strength behind COMPUTEX TAIPEI, visitors once again proved COMPUTEX TAIPEI to be the best platform for ICT procurement. This year, COMPUTEX TAIPEI attracted 38,300 international buyers from 173 countries, a 6% growth. This five-day show featured 162 speeches and forums on the latest and future ICT trends. In total, 11,340 people attended these forums and conferences. The top of the top most coveted awards are the COMPUTEX d&I gold awards. A total of 90 winning products were chosen for the ...

Visitors Packed the Floors of COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2013!

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For 5 incredible days, visitors experienced the future of ICT at COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2013. Being the strength behind COMPUTEX TAIPEI, visitors once again proved COMPUTEX TAIPEI to be the best platform for ICT procurement. This year, COMPUTEX TAIPEI attracted 38,300 international buyers from 173 countries, a 6% growth. The top 10 nations ranked are Japan, USA, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Germany. There were notable increases in visitors from Indonesia (46.4% growth from last year) and UAE (36.5% growth). It is estimated the total visitor count for all five da...

COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2012:On the front lines to shape the future!

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If there's light at the end of the dire economic tunnel then it must be glowing from COMPUTEX TAIPEI. This annual defining event for the ICT industry which this year ran from June 5 to June 9 further consolidated its standing as Asia's largest, and the world's 2nd largest ICT trade show. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網

「2012年台北國際電腦展」引領潮流 商機無限

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全球第二大的資通訊專業展-2012年台北國際電腦展Computex Taipei,6月5日至6月9日在台北舉行。今年度的台北國際電腦展再度呈現5館聯展之盛況,有1,800家廠商參展,使用5,300個攤位,吸引逾3萬6千名國外買主及10萬名國內專業人士前往參觀採購,估計締造出280億美元的商機,佔2011年台灣ICT產品出口總值1,136億美元之25%。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網

COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2012 Pre-Show Promotion TVC

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The 2nd largest technology event of the year ─ COMPUTEX TAIPEI is just around the corner in its count down to the big moment this June 5 to 9. The show will host a record 1,800 exhibitors who will use a record 5,400 booths. It's projected that more than 36,000 international buyers will visit the show. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網

COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2011 Navigates the ICT Future

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largest ICT trade show, COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2011, takes place from May 31st to June 4th, using all 5 venues at Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1, 2 & 3, plus NANGANG Exhibition Hall, and the Taipei International Convention Center. The show organizer Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) announced that the show strikes a vibrant 9% growth on the previous year: 1,800 exhibitors use around 5,300 booths. It has attracted 120,000+ attendees that generated USD $25 billion in business. The top 5 countries/regions with the greatest number of international buyers this year are United States, Japan, ...