63 筆資料

Wentai Technology Corp. - Power your life intelligently

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Know more: https://wentaitek.en.taiwantrade.com/ Wentai Technology Corp. established in 1983 in Taiwan, has over 40 years of experience in providing power supply , LED smart lighting, ATX power supply unit, car electronics, ICT electronics OEM/ODM solutions and PCB assembly service . Wentai Technology has in-house R&D department where all of product designing, drafting, building and testing are done. Our production facilities are based in New Taipei City of Taiwan, Shenzhen and Suzhou of China. Wentai Technology designs, develops, and manufactures products for leading lighting and electronics device supplie...

TIMTOS x TMTS 2022實體展 熱搶全球新商機

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國內兩大工具機展首度聯合辦理的「TIMTOS x TMTS 2022」,實體展一連6天於台北南港展覽館1、2館盛大展出,以實虛並進Hybrid模式展出,國內外線上線下參觀人數已突破4萬人,線上展觸及來自超過20國的訪客,商機強強滾! 今年TIMTOS x TMTS實體展總計參展廠商950家使用5,100個攤位,是疫情爆發後臺灣最大的國際專業展,也是今年全球首發工具機專業展。因應目前國際參觀者仍無法入境觀展,實體展期間特別推出行動採洽、採購大會、媒體導覽、展場直擊、媒體帶你看展、製造癮Podcast Live及線上展等數位服務。 工具機產業緊跟未來趨勢發展,加快轉型升級步伐,各式機種及解決方案已著眼部署半導體、綠能、電動車、醫療及航太等新興應用領域。因應數位趨勢, 外貿協會旗下台灣經貿網也推出智慧機械VR虛擬館,全年365天全方位協助我商推廣。立即體驗:https://machinery.taiwantrade.com/smart-machinery/ ► 訂閱台灣經貿網頻道 https://bit.ly/3Dqleyj ►更多商情 #台灣經貿網 #Taiwantrade https://info.taiwantrade.com/ ►台灣經貿網...

2035 E-Mobility Taiwan 臺灣指標業者齊聚 重塑汽車產業生態

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「2035 E-Mobility Taiwan (台灣國際智慧移動展)」於10月20日在南港展覽2館及線上同步盛大開展。該展作為臺灣電動車及自駕車產業向國際的發聲平台,首屆舉辦就吸引國內產官學研等指標單位及企業展出,完整展現我國智慧移動產業研發及製造實力,更提供全球買主一站式的採購平台。外貿協會董事長黃志芳更以「Drive Smart. Drive Green.」為概念分享,強調智慧移動產業已進入發展的黃金年代,臺灣具備高素質人才、資通訊產業競爭優勢,以及彈性製造等實力,相信在全球電動車、自駕車發展浪潮中將佔有一席之地。 全球汽車產業在電動車浪潮下,傳統供應鏈已發生變化,軟硬體整合及跨界合作成為產業致勝新關鍵,此次展覽亦可以觀察到業者跨界結盟的趨勢,除mTARC、MIH皆與聯盟成員一同展出合作成果外,臺灣唯二通過電動大客車示範計畫資格審查的車輛業者都參與本次展覽:成運汽車結合大同、研華、飛宏、微星以及精英電腦等廠商,共同展現電動巴士供應鏈合作成果;華德動能與合作夥伴東元電機,亦參與本次展覽,一同搶攻電動巴士商機。 2035 E-Mobility Taiwan官網:https://www.e-mobilityshow.com.t...

Taiwantrade Hosiery Suppliers, your trustworthy business partners!

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More info: https://hosiery.taiwantrade.com/ Capturing latest Fashion on the Taiwantrade Hosiery Virtual Pavilion now! The online Pavilion features 90 pieces of Taiwan's latest hosiery, footwear, Towels, eco-friendly fabric. With 360 degree videos and 3D models, viewers can check the products from different angles, just like seeing them in person. Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com #Taiwantrade #Hosiery #HosieryVirtualPavilion #Footwear #Fabric

Ruidatong Supply Chain Co., Ltd - LED/LCD/TFT display solutions

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More info: https://innovtechtw.en.taiwantrade.com/ We are a Taiwan base company for LED/LCD/TFT display solutions with factories located in Shenzhen. Our products range from office monitors, gaming monitors, ultra-wide screens, curved screens, smart TVs, smart boards, simple desktops, laptops, tablets, digital menu boards, digital signs,....etc. Our customers cover a wide range of industries, including Banks, Hotels, Hospitals, Shopping Malls, Supermarkets, Cinemas, Streets, Parks, Elevators, Surveillance Systems, Bus Stations, Railway Stations, Airports, Intersections of Expressway, Government Organizations, Offices, St...

Best Supplier for Space Applications Manufacturing Competence - Machan International

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Visit us:http://www.machangroup.com/Home Machan International has won worldwide reputations as an Original Design Manufacturer and developed high-quality lockers, such as delivery locker, refrigerator locker, barcode locker, RFID locker, APP locker, and charging locker etc.. We are constantly optimizing our workflow and upgrading our manufacturing facilities to ensure our products meet the required standard precisely and timely. However, we don't simply stop here as we continue to invest in the data-driven intelligent factory to make our manufacturing process not only efficient but also effective in the coming yea...

UNEX TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION (Application and Challenge of V2X Communication)

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More info: https://unex.com.tw/ Innovation and Invention-We connect all things to possibilities. Unex makes powerful connections possible. Unex provides optimal hardware, firmware, software, and integration service that are used to build Internet solutions. By making networks possible, Unex provides easy access to information anytime, anywhere. Moreover, Unex transforms the way people live and how businesses operate. It is our goal to drive innovation into various fields. For V2X,Unex has been working with 54 partners in 21 countries worldwide. Our website: https://unex.com.tw/ See how Unex tackle V2X chall...


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Know more: https://queentex.en.taiwantrade.com/ Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com Six Companions was founded in 1966, we are the largest manufacturer and leading exporter in the field of ladies' fashion hosiery in Taiwan. There are various products we are producing now, the products including Hosiery, Tights, Pantyhose, Socks, Sexy wear. We provide fashion and high quality products for our customers in whole world. Brand: QueenTex Main Product: Pantyhose, Hosiery, Stocking, Socks, Tights, Thigh hi, Knee hi, Body stocking, Sexy wear