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TIMTOS x TMTS 2022實體展 熱搶全球新商機

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國內兩大工具機展首度聯合辦理的「TIMTOS x TMTS 2022」,實體展一連6天於台北南港展覽館1、2館盛大展出,以實虛並進Hybrid模式展出,國內外線上線下參觀人數已突破4萬人,線上展觸及來自超過20國的訪客,商機強強滾! 今年TIMTOS x TMTS實體展總計參展廠商950家使用5,100個攤位,是疫情爆發後臺灣最大的國際專業展,也是今年全球首發工具機專業展。因應目前國際參觀者仍無法入境觀展,實體展期間特別推出行動採洽、採購大會、媒體導覽、展場直擊、媒體帶你看展、製造癮Podcast Live及線上展等數位服務。 工具機產業緊跟未來趨勢發展,加快轉型升級步伐,各式機種及解決方案已著眼部署半導體、綠能、電動車、醫療及航太等新興應用領域。因應數位趨勢, 外貿協會旗下台灣經貿網也推出智慧機械VR虛擬館,全年365天全方位協助我商推廣。立即體驗:https://machinery.taiwantrade.com/smart-machinery/ ► 訂閱台灣經貿網頻道 https://bit.ly/3Dqleyj ►更多商情 #台灣經貿網 #Taiwantrade https://info.taiwantrade.com/ ►台灣經貿網...

Meet Taiwan - Taiwan International Machine Tool Show 2014

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Leading machine tool platform in Asia, Taiwan International Machine Tool Show (TMTS) 2014 be held at the Greater Taichung International Expo Center from November 5-9. With 54,000 sq m of floor space, this edition of TMTS is set to be the biggest in its history. The number of exhibitors has also risen 45% compared to the 2012 show. Over 1,600 upstream and downstream metalworking suppliers from Taiwan, the third-largest machine tool exporter in the world, will be exhibiting and forming a formidable supply chain. The majority (90%) of the companies forming this tight bond are based in Taichung, the most conc...