6 筆資料

KUNG LONG BATTERIES INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. - Specialist Lead-acid Battery

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Know more: https://klb.en.taiwantrade.com ■ Established in 1990, we are the only listed specialist lead-acid battery manufacturer in Taiwan. In addition to our first factory in Taiwan, we have two more modern production facilities in Vietnam. With a total developed area of 252,000m2, each has passed ISO9001, TL9000, ISO14001, ISO17025, and ISO45001 certification. Through precision manufacturing and using our quality management system, all sealed batteries distributed in our own brand “LONG” have passed UL accreditation. In order to cope with the high-quality requirements of the EU security monitoring marke...

Integrated R&D Production Facilitates Solid Foundation and Global Ambitions - Kamera

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It is now the fourth year since Kamera Technology has become a member of the Taiwan Trade website. We provide a comprehensive range of services: development, design, production, and sales. Our main product focus lies in digital camera batteries, video camera batteries, PDA batteries, laptop batteries, MP4, game console batteries, stock pager batteries, Casio handheld infrared scanner batteries and chargers, etc. We have developed and manufactured more than 5,000 products in total, which makes us the company with the fastest R&D speed and the most comprehensive range of models and brands in Ta...

研發生產一條龍 立足台灣放眼世界-佳美能科技

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佳美能科技加入台灣經貿網會員已邁入第四年,集開發、設計、生產、銷售為一體,主要產品有數位相機電池、攝影機電池、PDA電池、筆記型電腦電池、MP4、遊戲機電池、股票傳呼機電池,CASIO手持紅外線掃描器電池及其充電器等。開發生產的產品已超過5000多款,是目前國內數位3C配件行業中,型號、品種最齊全,開發速度最快的公司。 不僅可以自行生產開發製造,亦可代理銷售各式產品,一條龍的一貫化作業,廣泛拓展OEM、ODM服務,並運用充裕的勞動力即龐大的經濟能力提供國際市場上所需的產品製造、組裝之委託代工服務。 佳美能科技擁有多條Polymer自動化電芯生產線,生產速度及製品準確度為一般工廠的五倍,不受外形限制,可依產品規格訂製,能短時間內滿足市場需求,品質、安全性及穩定性都是業界中最高標的。 本影片由外貿協會(TAITRA)台灣經貿網製作,感謝佳美能協助採訪。

Dazzling growth & launches at PV Taiwan 2014

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PV Taiwan 2014 saw more than 331 local booths and more than 100 international booths with the visitor number being closed to 8000. Being one of Asia's premier international PV exhibitions, PV Taiawn bekons the ideal sourcing hub for the world market. Many of the brightest R&D breakthroughs and products have started here to brighten the future." The show is organized by TAITRA (Taiwan External Trade Development Council), SEMI, and TPVIA (Taiwan Photovoltaic Industry Association).

PV Taiwan 2013 Beams Fresh Light on The PV Industry

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For three-straight days PV Taiwan - The Taiwan International Photovoltaic Exhibition dazzled visitors at TWTC Hall 1. Year after year, this annual event attracts a strong following of industry leaders and global buyers. International buyers at the last show in 2013 grew by more than 10% on the previous year. The venue joined more than 160 local and foreign makers to showcase their latest breakthroughs. Such growth and excitement indicates that green energy and PV are set to soar. The show featured three major international forums that joined top industry talent to show the latest R&D and probe the latest market a...

2010 Taipei Int'l Auto Parts & Accessories Show Preview

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The 2010 Taipei Int'l Auto Parts & Accessories Show and Taipei International Automobile Electronics Show will be held from April 12th to 15th at the TWTC Nanggang Exhibition Hall. Leading domestic manufacturers such as TYC Brother Industrial and Depo Auto Parts Industrial, and as many as 137 major overseas suppliers are expected to participate in the event. Highlighting the environmental protection trend, the show, for the first time in history, has designated a Hybrid/Electric Vehicle Component and Accessory section to showcase LFP batteries developed by Taiwan manufacturers and their RD abilities...