PV Taiwan 2014 saw more than 331 local booths and more than 100 international booths with the visitor number being closed to 8000. Being one of Asia's premier international PV exhibitions, PV Taiawn bekons the ideal sourcing hub for the world market. Many of the brightest R&D breakthroughs and products have started here to brighten the future." The show is organized by TAITRA (Taiwan External Trade Development Council), SEMI, and TPVIA (Taiwan Photovoltaic Industry Association).
For three-straight days PV Taiwan - The Taiwan International Photovoltaic Exhibition dazzled visitors at TWTC Hall 1. Year after year, this annual event attracts a strong following of industry leaders and global buyers. International buyers at the last show in 2013 grew by more than 10% on the previous year. The venue joined more than 160 local and foreign makers to showcase their latest breakthroughs. Such growth and excitement indicates that green energy and PV are set to soar. The show featured three major international forums that joined top industry talent to show the latest R&D and probe the latest market a...
亞洲最具指標性的「台灣國際太陽光電展」即將於2013年10月30日至11月1日在台北世貿一館盛大舉行。主辦單位外貿協會(TAITRA)除規劃一系列主題專區外,另有為展商舉辦的各種加值服務,幫助參展廠商行銷最新技術與產品、掌握商機並拓展產業人脈。 今年的展覽將首次結合亞洲太陽光電的學術盛會-第23屆太陽光電科學暨工程會議,預估將有上百位國際相關人士抵台與會。專業的展覽加上論壇及會議,將發揮加乘效果,將台灣太陽能產業推向國際。預計將吸引超過八千位國內外參觀者,創造上億美元的商機。 台灣仍居全球第二大太陽能電池產地寶座,在市場逐步移向亞洲及新興市場的同時,許多大廠已紛紛開始布局,PV Taiwan是掌握商機、進行產業交流的最佳平台。
2012年台灣國際太陽光電展在台北世貿一館熱鬧登場,吸引2,688名參觀者到場,其中包含上百位國際買主。台灣國際太陽光電論壇亦盛大展開,針對太陽光電產業的下一步及競合趨勢進行交流。同時也聚焦歐洲、南美、亞太地區太陽能終端系統市場契機。 台灣已成為世界第2大太陽能電池製造產地,全球太陽能電池生產重心也逐漸轉移至亞太地區。雖受歐洲補貼政策削弱的短暫影響,但長期看來太陽光電產業仍將持續成長。「2012年台灣國際太陽光電論壇」邀集國內外太陽光電專家,舉辦四大主題論壇,反應熱烈! 台灣國際太陽光電展覽會 http://www.pvtaiwan.com/zh_TW/index.html TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
The annual photovoltaic exhibition, PV Taiwan -Taiwan International Photovoltaic Forum, will be held from October 5th to 7th. This is the first time that PV cells, modules and systems are arranged together as a separate pavilion, PV Cells / Modules / Systems Pavilion. This arrangement provides convenience for domestic or overseas visitors' centralized procurement. In addition, five theme pavilions are held (DSSC Pavilion, HCPV Pavilion, Application Products Area, PV Cells / Modules / Systems Pavilion, and Academic Poster Section), which display a shift from the new solar power technology to its daily application, and pres...
一年一度太陽能專業展— PV Taiwan 2011「台灣國際太陽光電論壇暨展覽會」於10月5日-7日隆重登場,今年首次將台灣實力最強的電池、模組和系統廠商集中規劃成「太陽能電池/模組/系統專區」,方便國內外參觀者集中採購,同時,更推出「DSSC染料敏化電池專區」、「HCPV高聚光型太陽能專區」、「應用產品展示區」及「太陽光電研究論文海報展示區」等五大專區,從新一代太陽能技術到生活應用,完整呈現最尖端的技術發展。而今年的「PV Taiwan 2011台灣國際太陽光電論壇」和「創新產品暨技術發表會」更合計超過30場演講,為廠商及買主們深度剖析市場商機和技術趨勢。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
The 2011 Taiwan International Photovoltaic Forum & Exhibition will be held in TWTC Hall 1 from Oct. 5 to 7. More than 280 leading manufacturers at home and abroad distributed in 820 booths will attend this unprecedented exhibition in which there are first held "Solar Cell/Module/System" Pavilion & "Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell" Pavilion, new-generation technology "High Concentrated Photovoltaic (HCPV)" Pavilion, professional "Photovoltaic Papers & Posters" Pavilion, and "Innovative Product & Technology Presentation" in order to completely present Taiwan's predominant PV industry and photovoltaic technology ...
2011台灣國際太陽光電論壇暨展覽會即將在10月5-7日在台北世貿一館隆重登場,今年展出規模創新高,超過280家國內外重量級業者參展,使用超過820個攤位,並首次推出「太陽能電池/模組/系統專區」和「DSSC燃料敏化電池專區」,搭配新一代科技「HCPV高聚光型太陽能」專區、最專業的「太陽光電研究論文海報展示區」、發表最新研發成果的「創新產品暨技術發表會」等,完整呈現台灣PV產業優勢。同期舉辦「2011台灣國際太陽光電論壇」,邀請20位來自全球太陽光電產業專家,針對市場需求現況、產業未來定位,以及創新技術趨勢等面向進行討論。PV Taiwan 2011將是一場您絕對不可錯過的太陽光電科技知識盛會。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網