PV Taiwan 2014 saw more than 331 local booths and more than 100 international booths with the visitor number being closed to 8000. Being one of Asia's premier international PV exhibitions, PV Taiawn bekons the ideal sourcing hub for the world market. Many of the brightest R&D breakthroughs and products have started here to brighten the future." The show is organized by TAITRA (Taiwan External Trade Development Council), SEMI, and TPVIA (Taiwan Photovoltaic Industry Association).
為協助我國業者開發利基市場,本會將透過駐外單位邀請利基市場大型營建環保買主赴台與我國業者洽談,建立合作管道。本次洽談會將著重於太陽光電與建築結合應用(BIPV),赴台買主主要採購項目如下:太陽電池模組(PV Modules)、太陽能電池(Solar Cells)、變頻器 (Inverters)、EVA & Back sheet膜、矽薄膜、LED燈、其他建築、環保產業相關產品。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網