Kaohsiung City has the largest yield of jujubes, producing large, tasty fruit.. Jujube is thin-skinned, juicy, and rich in vitamin C, with a delicious, crisp taste in every bite. Because the harvest time of jujube occurs before and after the Chinese New Year, and jujube is considered an auspicious fruit, it has become a very popular gift during the Chinese New Year. The major growing regions of jujubes include the districts of Yanchao, Taisha, Alian, Tianlao and Gangshan of Kaohsiung. The soil here is rich in potassium, magnesium and other minerals and trace elements, giving the fruits grown in these areas an especially strong...
暑期規模最大的3C消費展-2011台北電腦應用展,從7月28日至8月1日,連續五天,在世貿一館盛大展出。今年一共邀集了200家廠商,使用超過1400個攤位,全方面滿足廣大消費者的需求,預計吸引65萬人次,引爆人氣與買氣! 今年展覽的主題為「3D潮科技、Touch新世紀」,以持續發燒的觸控顯示及最潮的3D科技,打造產品最齊全的3C採購平台。 展覽期間除了各式的促銷和推廣活動外,主辦單位還辦理抽獎活動,將送出市價總值超過180萬的豐富獎品,一連五天,要讓消費者逛得過癮,滿載而歸! TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
暑假規模最大、產品最齊全的電腦展「2011年台北電腦應用展」(TICA),將於7月28日至8月1日於台北世貿一館隆重登場。今年的台北電腦應用展主題為「3D潮科技,Touch新世紀」,以持續發燒的觸控顯示及最潮的3D話題,邀集世界知名品牌,打造產品最齊全3C採購平台,200家廠商使用超過1,400個攤位,預計將吸引65 萬人次參觀。 「2011台北電腦應用展」為台灣暑期規模最大、產品最齊全的內銷電腦展,也是採購3C產品的最好時機,主辦單位外貿協會及台北市電腦公會為滿足廣大消費者的需求,網羅了國內外各大知名3C品牌共同展出。今年仍維持免費入場(110公分以下兒童謝絕入場),想買時下最搶手的科技新品、品味科技時尚,可千萬不要錯過這千載難逢的好機會! 相關產品訊息及活動內容請上官網查詢 www.tica.tw 或 tica.tca.org.tw TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
Cloud computing is one of the major IT trends of the coming years. As Google has announced to start the cloud computing plan in Taiwan, cloud computing will soon become an R&D focus in Taiwan. At the interview with Taiwantrade, Dr. George Wang, Executive Vice President of the Institute for Information Industry, analyzed the current status, development potentials, future perspectives, and competitiveness of cloud computing and pointed directions for the industry. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
Cloud computing is one of the major IT trends of the coming years. As Google has announced to start the cloud computing plan in Taiwan, cloud computing will soon become an R&D focus in Taiwan. At the interview with Taiwantrade, Dr. George Wang, Executive Vice President of the Institute for Information Industry, analyzed the current status, development potentials, future perspectives, and competitiveness of cloud computing and pointed directions for the industry. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網