3 筆資料

AMPA & AutoTronics Taipei(April 8-11, 2015)

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台北國際汽車零配件展與車用電子展集合了全球汽車零配件、車用電子產業的專業人士的盛大採購盛會!為了滿足市場需求激增,台北國際汽車零配件展和台北國際車用電子展,聯合展出與汽車相關的創新產品,內容琳琅滿目,倍受各方讚譽,以100%零配件為展出內容,精確而專業的程度,持續吸引世界各地參展廠商與參觀買主的參展與支持。 2014年首次與台灣國際機車展及台灣國際電動車展同期展出,一共吸引50,868名參觀者,2015年將與台灣國際機車展、台灣國際電動車展及首屆改裝車展同期展出,汽配五合一展預計將吸引超過53,000名買家及專業人士共襄盛舉。 本活動由外貿協會(TAITRA)主辦。 Motorcycle Taiwan, as the most professional sourcing fair for motorcycle parts, is going to be held in Taipei TWTC exhibition hall 1 on April 8-11, 2015. The show contains a variety of motorcycle parts and accessories, gaining the great support by exhibitors and buyers fr...

2013 TAIPEI AMPA & AutoTronics Taipei - The largest automobile and motorcycle exhibition in Asia

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The 29th Taipei AMPA alomg with The 8th AutoTronics Taipei will take place in Nangang Exhibition Hall & TWTC Hall 1 from April 10 to 13.The exhibition stands will for the first time exceed 3000. Overseas companies from 11 countries all over the world will attend the exhibition, it is thus evident that Taipei AMPA has become a beachhead for major international manufacturers' overseas expansion. International seminars, forums and one-on-one procurement meetings will be held during the exhibition, visitors can scan the QR Code to download relevant APP to find out more information about the exhibition and latest internatio...

AMPA & Autotronics Taipei 2012: Show Preview

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The 28th "Taipei AMPA" and the 7th "AutoTronics Taipei" shows organized by TAITRA will be held at the TWTC Nangang Exhibition Hall and TWTC Exhibition Hall 1 Zone A between April 11 and 14. Over 1,200 exhibitors are expected to come to the show. The three key areas for this year's shows will be on automotive LED lighting, automotive safety and security as well as hybrid vehicles and new energy auto parts. ¬The 2nd "EV Taiwan" and the 7th "Motorcycle Taiwan" show will also be held at TWTC Exhibition Hall 1 between April 12 and 15, creating an extravaganza for four trade exhibitions in one swoop. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Ta...