Know more: Email us: ROHDE - Professor cosmetics 專業沙龍級保養品 護麗媄企業有限公司成立於1998年,專注於產品生產及研發,擁有ISO國際化標準SOP生產線及國際級設備器材,旗下品牌包含ROHDE, LEISLY, LEAF-ROSE。2011年公司ROHDE系統漂品十項通過中C10認證。 Sourcing more Taiwan Products:
Motorcycle Taiwan, as the most professional sourcing fair for motorcycle parts, is going to be held in Taipei TWTC exhibition hall 1 on April 8-11, 2015. The show contains a variety of motorcycle parts and accessories, gaining the great support by exhibitors and buyers from all over the world. In conjunction with Taipei AMPA, AutoTronics, EV Taiwan and 1st Tuning and Car Care Taiwan show, this super 5-in-1 motoring show is gathering 1,500 exhibitors using 4,000 booths at the show ground. It is estimated to attract more than 53,000 visitors come to join! The Show Organizer is Taiwan External Trade Development Cou...
台北國際汽車零配件展與車用電子展集合了全球汽車零配件、車用電子產業的專業人士的盛大採購盛會!為了滿足市場需求激增,台北國際汽車零配件展和台北國際車用電子展,聯合展出與汽車相關的創新產品,內容琳琅滿目,倍受各方讚譽,以100%零配件為展出內容,精確而專業的程度,持續吸引世界各地參展廠商與參觀買主的參展與支持。 2014年首次與台灣國際機車展及台灣國際電動車展同期展出,一共吸引50,868名參觀者,2015年將與台灣國際機車展、台灣國際電動車展及首屆改裝車展同期展出,汽配五合一展預計將吸引超過53,000名買家及專業人士共襄盛舉。 本活動由外貿協會(TAITRA)主辦。 Motorcycle Taiwan, as the most professional sourcing fair for motorcycle parts, is going to be held in Taipei TWTC exhibition hall 1 on April 8-11, 2015. The show contains a variety of motorcycle parts and accessories, gaining the great support by exhibitors and buyers fr...
「第1屆台灣國際遊艇展」於2014年5月11日在高雄展覽館圓滿落幕,本展由經濟部國際貿易局及高雄市政府主辦,在台灣區遊艇工業同業公會支持,委託中華民國對外貿易發展協會(TAITRA)執行,首屆辦理即獲得熱烈回響,總計有168家廠商使用861個攤位,吸引國內外7萬人次進場參觀。「第2屆台灣國際遊艇展」將於2016年3月10日至13日在高雄展覽館展出,於室內及戶外水上泊位區展示精品遊艇、相關機械、動力設備及零配件、船舶檢驗、設計、運輸服務、水上運動、休閒及觀光等,完整呈現台灣遊艇產業之堅強實力,敬邀國內外業者踴躍參加。 The first international boat show in Taiwan was a resounding success! It brought together 168 exhibitors finest yachts, hardware & accessories, interior and boat design, maintenance & service, water sports and marine tourism and attracted around 70,000 visitors. The 2nd edition of Taiwan Internati...
Taiwan's machinery industry started simply from doing only component assembly and equipment maintenance and repair, to now, where we have become one of the main machinery equipment manufacturing countries. This video is made by Taiwantrade, organized by the Bureau of Foreign Trade under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and implemented by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA). TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
Taiwan's machinery industry started simply from doing only component assembly and equipment maintenance and repair, to now, where we have become one of the main machinery equipment manufacturing countries. This video is made by Taiwantrade, organized by the Bureau of Foreign Trade under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and implemented by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA). TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網