由外貿協會(TAITRA)與台灣自行車輸出業同業公會主辦,委由德國iF國際設計論壇執行的第四屆「台北國際自行車展創新設計獎」(TAIPEI CYCLE d&i awards),由全球自行車與設計界專家組成的國際評審團,經過激烈的討論之後,從來自15國的209件參賽作品當中,選出5件獲金質獎、51件獲銀質獎,以及1件獲「金質獎-新創企業獎」,為2015年首次選拔,以表揚2011年1月1日以後成立,在創新設計表現突出的新創廠商。本年3月17日將於台北國際自行車展前國際記者會進行頒獎,所有獲獎作品將亦將於2015年台北國際自行車展期間(3月18日至21日)於南港展覽館1樓光廊展出。 本屆評審由Ulrika Saade (Velokonzept Sadde GmbH, 德國)、孫崇實(器研所,台灣)、Georg Todtenbier (CRE8 Design, 德國)、Gideon Loewy (Scandinavian Design,丹麥)、Michael Steen (NIKE, 美國) 以及Norbert Haller (Idberlin, 德國)組成,就參賽作品的創新程度、設計品質、工藝、材料運用、永續性、功能、實用性、安全性、人體工學、通用設計等1...
The growth and the success of the TAIPEI CYCLE Show year after year is a reflection of the rapid growth of the bicycle industry in Asia and in the world. Heading towards its 27th year in 2014, the TAIPEI CYCLE Show is Asia’s biggest bicycle fair: each year in March, this is where it’s all about bikes, all about their quality and innovation, and all of it is impressing – not only for the audience of experts but also for the general public. A highlight at the TAIPEI CYCLE Show is the special presentation of the TAIPEI CYCLE d&i award winners. Organized by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) and the Taiwan Bicy...
To be labeled the Kingdom of Bicycles no longer means just a competition of quantity to Taiwan, it has become a competition of quality. The high standard of product design, brand image and marketing channels have brought bicycles Made in Taiwan to all corners of the world. The industry has also brought back the concepts of energy saving, carbon footprint reduction and simple lifestyle to Taiwan. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
影音快遞第23集將要為您報導目前最夯的自行車產業現況,全方面呈現台灣自行車帶動樂活新風潮的全貌。另外,還為您蒐集多則貿協活動,商機商情一手掌握!...... TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
People are the key consideration points for all creativities. All R&D stem from the desire to make lives more convenient for us. BIRDY repositioned Taiwan, already the leading country of bicycles, as the country to manufacture classic bicycles. This video is made by Taiwantrade, organized by the Bureau of Foreign Trade under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and implemented by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA). Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com
台灣的優良品牌太平洋自行車(Birdy)、昱晶能源、春雨(Lion)等,在全世界相關業界具有領導的地位,讓我們帶你一窺他們成功的秘訣! 本影片由外貿協會(TAITRA)台灣經貿網製作,感謝業界人士協助採訪。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網