10 筆資料

2022TAIPEI CYCLE 台北國際自行車展 虛實開展擘劃運動及騎乘科技新藍圖

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台北國際自行車展(TAIPEI CYCLE)於3月9至12日盛大開展,並搭配為期一個月的線上展至4月8日,以虛實整合及多元的數位加值服務,提供與會業者最全面的商務交流平台,指標廠商包括自行車業者美利達(MERIDA)、巨大(GIANT)、桂盟(KMC)、SRAM、SHIMANO等。 外貿協會董事長黃志芳表示,順應產業的趨勢變化,TAIPEI CYCLE引領自行車產業全新的生態系,打造的是賦予全球產業夥伴最新的創新科技應用、高度客製化彈性及ESG解決方案的平台,除產品展示外,也辦理豐富的週邊活動,形塑自行車及運動生活文化的體驗場域。為協助業者持續拓展國際商機,展覽亦推4大國外買主服務,包含線上展覽平台、視訊採洽會、展場直擊(Live Tour)及國際自行車KOL展場報導,其中視訊採洽會預計媒合超過80場次,並有逾千名來自60國的國際買主參觀線上線下展。 更多商情 台灣經貿網: https://info.taiwantrade.com/ 提供全年無休VR展覽與加值服務 是您的最佳數位貿易夥伴 立即來電 0800-506-088 #TAIPEICYCLE #TAITRA #虛實開展 00:00 開幕 00:17 黃志芳董事長開幕致詞 0...

Taipei CYCLE 2013 is the Global Pace-setter for the Best Show on Wheels

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Leading makers and suppliers of bicycles and parts show their best at Taipei CYCLE 2013, March 20th through 23rd at TWTC NANGANG Exhibition Hall and 2F, TWTC Hall 1, across a massive venue of 58,000 sqm. TAITRA (the Taiwan External Trade Development Council) organizes concurrently TAIPEI CYCLE with SPOMODE (Taipei Int'l Sport Textiles & Accessory Expo), hosting 1,103 exhibitors from 36 countries a hosting 1,103 exhibitors from 36 countries and 7,000 international buyers, and expects to generate more than US$300 million worth of business TAITRA

2011年台灣二十大國際品牌揭曉 htc奪冠挑戰全球百大品牌

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由經濟部國際貿易局主辦、中華民國對外貿易發展協會執行、《數位時代》雜誌和國際知名品牌顧問公司Interbrand承辦的「2011年台灣國際品牌價值調查」,於9月21日假台北國際會議中心揭曉台灣二十大國際品牌價值與排行,蕭副總統親臨頒獎,經濟部施部長及外貿協會王志剛董事長致詞祝賀。 在今年的調查中,由於開拓歐美及新興市場有成,加上兩岸經濟互動持續增溫,ECFA帶來的經濟效應,今年前20大品牌及前10大品牌總價值首度雙雙突破百億美元大關,成長率更分別高達40%及43.9%,為歷年品牌價值調查最優異之一年。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網

Top Taiwan Global Brands: GIANT (Bicycles)

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With international brand valuator Interbrand as the panel leader, the winner list of the Top 20 Taiwan Global Brands finally came out. Each of the Top 5 has a brand value exceeding US$1 billion, and the total worth of all Top 20 brands even exceeds US$3 billion. How to run a brand globally or operate a global brand? How to brand a brand successfully or administer a successful brand? Let us find out how a Taiwan global brand succeeded in transformation. In this flash, we will introduce to you how Giant Machinery, now Giant Bicycles, transformed from an OEM factory into a global leader in the bicycle industry; how ...

2010 Taipei Cycle Show Features the Best Bike Products

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As the second largest tradeshow in the world, the 23rd Taipei Cycle show was held from 17 to 20 March at the TWTC Nankang Exhibition Hall. The 2010 Taipei Cycle show featured three themes high quality, high unit price, and creativity. On the first three days alone, the number of foreign visitors reached 4,913, or a 7.6% growth from the four-day show last year. The 2010 Taipei Cycle is dedicated to bringing business opportunities to participating vendors and the best services to buyers. It has become the most important bicycle trading platform in the world. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網

Taiwan Excellence Awards Ceremony 2009

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The awards ceremony for the 17th Taiwan Excellence Gold Awards organized by the Bureau of Foreign Trade was held on April 16 by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council. This year, the winners of the Gold Award are more diverse and include companies making products such as hand tools, mobile phones, household appliances, consumer electronics, industrial automation equipment, computers, flat-panel displays and bicycles. Republic of China(Taiwan) President Ma Ying-jeou personally presented the Gold Awards to the winning companies and offered his encouragement for the extraordinary Taiwanese br...

The Foresight of Taiwan Bicycle Industry

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To be labeled the Kingdom of Bicycles no longer means just a competition of quantity to Taiwan, it has become a competition of quality. The high standard of product design, brand image and marketing channels have brought bicycles Made in Taiwan to all corners of the world. The industry has also brought back the concepts of energy saving, carbon footprint reduction and simple lifestyle to Taiwan. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網


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影音快遞第23集將要為您報導目前最夯的自行車產業現況,全方面呈現台灣自行車帶動樂活新風潮的全貌。另外,還為您蒐集多則貿協活動,商機商情一手掌握!...... TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網