Syncmen Enterprise Corporation was established in Taichung, Taiwan 2003. We’re devoted ourselves to a professional paper bag manufacturer and develop whole range of paper-relevancy packaging to replace high-polluted plastic packaging. By way of integrating OEM chains and strict quality control, our products are sold to The United States, Europe, Oceania, and so on. Syncmen is aimed at continuously promoting new eco-friendly packaging and renew an environmentally friendly lifestyle. Customers are satisfied with excellent service, high efficiency, and consistent quality, and these are our the biggest comp...
【Visit Renature Global】 【Start your bio journey】 We make Biomadecon? The New Biodegradable Polymer, Effective use of natural resources. R&D and manufactured by Taiwan's team. Promote Environment Sustainability Advocates. Biomadecon? - A biomaterial made by mixing various natural resources, bio-resin, fiber and formula. Is fully biodegradable polymer, which has a wide applicability to existing equipment in accordance with the recommended processing specifications. Welcome to contact
Pang-Dyi Designing & Printing Co., Ltd./Shanghai Pang-Ding Trading Co., Ltd . was established in 1990. The company started with custom paper and printing services. As business grew steadily, we formed our own stationary department, marketing our products both domestically and overseas under the Pundy brand name. We focus primarily on environmentally friendly products and development of environmentally friendly materials. We have also established an R&D department specializing in DIY binders notebook and peripheral products. Pundy’s DIY binders has undergone various R&D innovations, with world pate...
2014 TIGIS held in conjunction with the Taipei International Electronics Show(TAITRONICS), from October 6 to October 9 at the TWTC Nangang Exhibition Hall. Two shows together built a great business platform for green technology, providing collaboration opportunities between the electronics and green industries. A total of 201 exhibitors using 331 booths showcase their latest products this year. In 2015, the TIGIS show will be held from October 14 to 16 at the TWTC Nangang Exhibition Hall, in conjunction with Taiwan International Photovoltaic Exhibition. The Shows are organized by Taiwan External Trade Development C...
穩居台灣前三大外銷產業的紡織業,曾經承載台灣經濟起飛,提供豐沛的就業機會。隨著貿易自由化,台灣的傳統產業面臨轉型存亡之際,紡織業即須擺脫低價競爭,尋找屬於產業的新藍海 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網