7 筆資料


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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 http://pse.is/57hj7k 我們堅持採用新鮮鳳梨製作 We insist on using fresh pineapples for production. 只使用鳳梨原汁萃取不加水 We only extract pineapple juice without water. 100%純果汁 100% pure fruit juice. NFC非濃縮還原果汁 NFC (Not From Concentrate) 沒有添加劑和人工色素 No additives or artificial colorings. 每一口都能帶來果香四溢的美味 Each sip brings a delightful burst of fruity flavor. 不論是在家或外出,都能隨時享受這份健康與美味 Whether at home or on the go, you can enjoy this healthy and delicious drink anytime. 我們的鳳梨果汁是你最好的選擇 Our pineapple juice is your best choice. 喝上一杯100%原汁鮮榨的鳳梨果汁 Have a glass of 100% freshly squeezed...


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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 http://pse.is/57hj7k 我們堅持採用新鮮鳳梨製作 We insist on using fresh pineapples for production. 只使用鳳梨原汁萃取不加水 We only extract pineapple juice without water. 100%純果汁 100% pure fruit juice. NFC非濃縮還原果汁 NFC (Not From Concentrate) 沒有添加劑和人工色素 No additives or artificial colorings. 每一口都能帶來果香四溢的美味 Each sip brings a delightful burst of fruity flavor. 不論是在家或外出,都能隨時享受這份健康與美味 Whether at home or on the go, you can enjoy this healthy and delicious drink anytime. 我們的鳳梨果汁是你最好的選擇 Our pineapple juice is your best choice. 喝上一杯100%原汁鮮榨的鳳梨果汁 Have a glass of 100% freshly squeezed...

(6s) 九個太陽 NineSuns|SunsCake、 Pineapple Cake

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 https://www.ninesuns9999.com.tw/ 1. Golden Salted Egg Sun Cake 黃金鹹蛋黃 (Nine Suns x Exclusive Product) Selected inner filling with premium red dirt salted duck egg, sprinkled with a bit of rum before coming out of the oven, then mixed with sweet malt filling. The irresistible sweet and salty flavor guarantees a love with the first bite! 2. Award Winning Honey Sun Cake 冠軍蜂蜜 Because of the growing habits of vegetarian choices, we developed a honey flavor sun cake that is no less than the sweet malt sun cake. With the high quality and costly materials such as “Australian cl...

九個太陽 NineSuns|SunsCake、 Pineapple Cake

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 https://www.ninesuns9999.com.tw/ 1. Golden Salted Egg Sun Cake 黃金鹹蛋黃 (Nine Suns x Exclusive Product) Selected inner filling with premium red dirt salted duck egg, sprinkled with a bit of rum before coming out of the oven, then mixed with sweet malt filling. The irresistible sweet and salty flavor guarantees a love with the first bite! 2. Award Winning Honey Sun Cake 冠軍蜂蜜 Because of the growing habits of vegetarian choices, we developed a honey flavor sun cake that is no less than the sweet malt sun cake. With the high quality and costly materials such as “Australian cl...

loving Taiwan Pineapple

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Taiwan produces 400-thousand metric tons of pineapple each year. About 10% of that gets sold abroad. Do you know how pineapples are made into delicious popsicles and juices? Do you know how fresh fruits are shipped abroad? Let Genya Company-Ah Chun take us to see Taiwan Pineapple together! Genya Company Limited 👉 https://genya.en.taiwantrade.com/ Sourcing more Taiwan Products👉 https://www.taiwantrade.com #TaiwanPineapple #Taiwantrade

戀戀鳳梨loving Taiwan Pineapple

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台灣鳳梨香甜又多汁,年產量約40萬公噸,平均一成作外銷。 想知道鳳梨怎麼做成好吃的冰棒跟果汁? 想知道新鮮的水果怎麼運到國外? 讓元屋國際阿純姐帶我們一起旺旺來!!! 元屋國際 : https://genya.en.taiwantrade.com/ 立即加入TT台灣經貿網(Taiwantrade) 👉免費客服專線:0800-506-088 👉台灣經貿網: https://info.taiwantrade.com/ #TaiwanPineapple

Century Old Shops of Taiwan - Part II

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Taiwan has many small townships that flourished in the past, and has many old shops that keep all the Taiwanese traditions. All of those places and shops have become top Taiwan tourist spots for both foreign visitors and local residents. In this video, many stories of the shops are told by the owners. Lets find out more tips of how the shops survive after 100 years in this video. This video is made by Taiwantrade, organized by the Bureau of Foreign Trade under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and implemented by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA). Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.tai...