2009台灣寬頻通訊展於10/26號在世貿三館盛大舉行,超過600位國外專家與買主來台參與,132家參展廠商(包括6家wimax營運商),使用300個攤位,盛況空前。這一屆的展覽,結合主辦單位外貿協會所精心規劃的三大主題區與多項大型通訊產業國際會議,一舉讓世人都注意到台灣在寬頻通訊產業上不容忽視的實力。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
Taiwan launched the M Taiwan Project five years ago, and in 2007 Wimax infrastructure development permits were issued to six telecommunication business operators. The need for seamless networking experience makes Wimax technologies the most anticipated rising star of the Taiwans industrial development followed by the IT industry. In this years Broadband Taiwan, coming in October, we will not only see the newest developments brought by the participating companies; also, the world will have a sneak preview to the solid development of a M-Country made possible by Taiwan's policies and solid technological fou...