7 筆資料

UNEX TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION (Application and Challenge of V2X Communication)

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More info: https://unex.com.tw/ Innovation and Invention-We connect all things to possibilities. Unex makes powerful connections possible. Unex provides optimal hardware, firmware, software, and integration service that are used to build Internet solutions. By making networks possible, Unex provides easy access to information anytime, anywhere. Moreover, Unex transforms the way people live and how businesses operate. It is our goal to drive innovation into various fields. For V2X,Unex has been working with 54 partners in 21 countries worldwide. Our website: https://unex.com.tw/ See how Unex tackle V2X chall...


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2019年台北國際電腦展重磅登場 串聯國內外資通訊產業菁英 展全球科技生態系前瞻動能 全球ICT產業最重要之專業展2019年台北國際電腦展(COMPUTEX 2019)5月28日於南港展覽館一館舉辦開幕典禮,總統蔡英文、經濟部部長沈榮津、行政院政務委員龔明鑫、臺北市政府副市長鄧家基、經濟部國際貿易局局長楊珍妮、經濟部中小企業處處長何晉滄、經濟部工業局副局長楊志清、科技部產學及園區業務司司長邱求慧、中華民國對外貿易發展協會董事長黃志芳、台北市電腦公會理事長童子賢、最大外商代表美國在台協會處長酈英傑、InnoVEX展區最大外商代表荷蘭恩荷芬市市長John Jorritsma與台灣智慧型紡織品協會理事長林瑞岳等重要貴賓皆親臨現場,共揭COMPUTEX 2019序幕。 總統蔡英文表示,「COMPUTEX是全球資通訊產業最具代表性盛事之一,39年來持續引領科技進程,各項展出就像將科幻小說搬到現實世界;而不斷挑戰科技極限的創新應用,也能完整呈現在InnoVEX創新與新創展區,實現科技帶來的無限可能。台灣擁有的技術、智慧財產權,與人才質量等領先的優勢,透過COMPUTEX全方位的國際展會與媒合平台,整合在...

3D Printing • Your Imagination Unchained - Mastech Machine Co., Ltd.

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Mastech Machine Co., Ltd., is a Taiwanese manufacturer whose R&D team combined creativity, entertainment and technology to develop desktop 3D printers. The printer body is constructed from alloy steel with aluminum alloy flashing. The two-tone design transforms the 3D printer into a stylish part of the home décor. Mastech specializes in the sale of 3D printers, filament and related products. The filament is now MIT as well as SGS certified as toxin-free. Tutorial, printer warranty, parts replacement and repair, and 3D file download services are available. Printer designs can also be customized to user require...

COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2012: On the front lines to shape the future!

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If there's light at the end of the dire economic tunnel then it must be glowing from COMPUTEX TAIPEI. This annual defining event for the ICT industry which this year ran from June 5 to June 9 further consolidated its standing as Asia's largest, and the world's 2nd largest ICT trade show. This event attracted 130,013 visitors, including 36,500 international buyers from 172 countries who have generated a projected US$28 billion in business. There was a significant increase in buyers from Japan (+11.5%) and Mainland China (+7.1%). Those at this year's COMPUTEX TAIPEI were able to get a grip on the hottest products and bre...

Trade Heroes in Taiwan 12 : Chi Mei Corporation

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Chi Mei Corporation was established in 1953. It is one of the first plastic processing plants in Taiwan and well-known for beautiful and durable plastic wares and toys. In 1959, Wen Lung Hsu established Chi Mei Corporation which was the first acrylic sheet manufacturer in Taiwan. Within ten years, it became one of the top acrylic sheet suppliers in the world. Besides boosting production capacities, Chi Mei will also invest in research and development in order to enhance the added values of products in the future. It will also stress the importance of operational strategies, "cater for customers' needs and be market-oriented."...

台灣高科技產業明日之星~生物科技與LED~ Part 1

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發光二極體LED,生物科技,微機電產業,絕對是21世紀最具有影響力的產業,世界各國都已經投入大量人力資金進行研發,並創造可觀的商機。台灣也不例外,身為亞洲科技領先的島國,更將積極發展未來的高科技明星產業,以台灣成熟的電子產業為基礎,豐富的資源與人才,及早建立台灣的優勢,增加國際競爭力。 本影片由外貿協會(TAITRA)台灣經貿網製作,感謝業界人士協助採訪。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網

台灣高科技產業明日之星~生物科技與LED~ Part 2

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發光二極體LED,生物科技,微機電產業,絕對是21世紀最具有影響力的產業,世界各國都已經投入大量人力資金進行研發,並創造可觀的商機。台灣也不例外,身為亞洲科技領先的島國,更將積極發展未來的高科技明星產業,以台灣成熟的電子產業為基礎,豐富的資源與人才,及早建立台灣的優勢,增加國際競爭力。 本影片由外貿協會(TAITRA)台灣經貿網製作,感謝業界人士協助採訪。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網