#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 www.foodvege.com.tw 1. Entrepreneurship for more than 50 years, since 1965. 2. Chen Shin offers more than 30 products, ranging from vegetables and various imitation meats to canned tofu and fried gluten. 3.The canned foods can be enjoyed immediately after opening or as an ingredient in cooking. 4. Our Guarantee: “No Preservatives, No Artificial Flavors, No Additives” #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts #veganfood Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com
#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 www.foodvege.com.tw 1. Entrepreneurship for more than 50 years, since 1965. 2. Chen Shin offers more than 30 products, ranging from vegetables and various imitation meats to canned tofu and fried gluten. 3.The canned foods can be enjoyed immediately after opening or as an ingredient in cooking. 4. Our Guarantee: “No Preservatives, No Artificial Flavors, No Additives” #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts #veganfood Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com"
Visit us: https://sunfood.en.taiwantrade.com/about-us Sunright, means doing the things in the right way under the sun and was established in 1975 by the chairman” Liu Qing Tang ”, who first created the small-pack business model in Taiwan. Until now, the innovative model has succeeded over 45 years as a pioneer of small-pack revolution in Taiwan's traditional market. To serve more consumers and satisfy the different demands, Sunright set up the factory in Shenkeng in 1988, and moved to Nantou in 1993 for building up automated production lines for the sake of increasing demands. █ Our mission: Professiona...
Know more: https://twptfoods.en.taiwantrade.com/ PING TUNG FOODS CORP. was founded on March 31st, 1982. The main products included superior glutinous rice flour, long grain rice flour, round grain rice flour, and rice pancake and waffle mix. Qualified by international standards (TAP, ISO 9001&22000, HACCP, and HALAL). Products: Kraft Paper Bag, Rice Flour, Heavy duty paper bag, Glutinous rice flour, Long grain rice flour, Round grain rice flour, Rice Pancake& Waffle Mix, Brown paper bag, Bleached Kraft paper bag, Unbleached Kraft paper bag, Valve paper bag, Flat bottom paper bag, Square bottom b...
Know more: http://taifoods.en.taiwantrade.com TAI FOODS MARKETING CO., LTD was established in 2013. Its business projects focus on Taiwan’s representative food and souvenirs, and promote the island’s cuisine to the markets of Taiwan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, East Asia, and East Asia. At this stage, it is not only exporting its products to overseas countries, but also actively developing the Taiwanese group buying market. The agency's products are diversified and rich, and the key task is to sell Chinese cuisine to the world. It is hoped that the "Taihu Selected" quality assurance will bring customers an unforgettable...
More info: https://candyboba.en.taiwantrade.com/ We Started devoting to food manufacturing since1986. and we have been fascinated by creating infinite possibility of foods. In Ting Jean , We hope to bring a varitety of bubble tea materials and share it with people all around the world . So we keep on creating and producting high-quality products, turning a simple cup of bubble tea into a highly innovative industry. At "Ting Jean" , we can not only supply complete knowledge of opening a tea shop , but also product hight-qulity and customized merchandise. For pursuing stable product quality and follow the idea of sust...
了解更多:https://andesfood.en.taiwantrade.com/ 安立司食品有限公司創立於西元2001年,為臺灣最專業的珍珠製造廠,提供海內外各種珍珠奶茶所需珍珠及原料。臺灣製造,品質優異,行銷全球四十個國家,每天有超過300萬杯的珍珠奶茶來自安立司食品有限公司。安立司食品有限公司董事長華文彬先生,帶領著安立司不斷走向更高的領域及認真用心的經營理念,多年來贏得眾廠商客戶的信賴,全秉持著三個原則和一個經營理念:三個原則為「源頭管理」、「堅持品質」、「食品衛生安全」,而核心的經營理念則是「誠信」。 安立司食品所用的每一項原物料及添加物,除了有FDA的認可,還有各種世界級認證單位的背書,從原料工廠就開始各項檢驗及測試,從源頭作好品質及衛生的管理才能有效的為客戶生產最好的產品。 安立司為客戶挑選最好品質的原料來生產,絕不貪小便宜使用次等產品,採購成本公開透明,客戶皆能了解價格的背後,最重要的是穩定的品質。珍珠及粉條等一向是飲料界的最佳主角,我們一直在為台灣甜品開拓更多的市場,安立司食品在業界人稱飲品粉圓第一品牌。先進的生產及精實的管理,把品質及食品安全放在第一的安立司證明了自己的價值,也...
經濟部國際貿易局與外貿協會於10月3日在臺北國際會議中心共同主辦「2019年美國商機日」活動,邀請19家知名美商,包括Staples、Grainger、Meijer、United Natural Foods及Super Micro Computer等與我國200餘家廠商進行約250場次洽談。在美中貿易衝突的影響下,美商傾向儘量分散採購來源,臺灣業者生產布局靈活多元,且臺灣製造(MIT)產品品質深受肯定,是美國買主尋求轉單之際的首選。美國商機日成功搭建臺美業者媒合平台,促成雙方企業合作,深化雙邊經貿夥伴關係。 「美國商機日」活動自2012年起已連辦8年,結合貿易與投資機會,是每年臺美經貿合作的指標性活動。外貿協會黃志芳董事長開幕致詞時表示,臺美供應鏈長久以來緊密結合,本年商機日19家買主派出近30名採購代表,更突顯貿易戰下,美國商機日對臺美企業連結的重要性。經濟部王美花次長表示,近期在政府鼓勵臺灣製造業回流下,已有140多家臺商回流,同時將更多高附加價值能力的產業帶回臺灣。過去一年來。美國亦有多家科技大廠來臺投資,為我國經濟注入更多活水。美國商機日將不只促進臺美雙邊貿易,更將促成彼此產業合作機會。 美國在台協會...