15 筆資料

「智慧驅動外貿力」 台灣經貿網與Google攜手助企業AI跨境 輕鬆運用AI工具找外銷商機

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「智慧驅動外貿力」 台灣經貿網與Google攜手助企業AI跨境,輕鬆運用AI工具找外銷商機,共同開啟一個更加卓越的近未來。由經濟部國際貿易局、外貿協會及Google主辦的「Taiwantrade X Google 智慧驅動卓越Grow Export with Al」,9/14於台北國際會議中心登場。今(112)年活動以「Grow Export with Al」為主軸,揭示AI除了於行銷及生產的應用外,在企業治理上的人才重新定義與塑造,打造敏捷性組織上也有重要角色。台灣經貿網與身為全球四大科技巨擘GAFA之一的Google自2019年即透過發表數位跨境報告、發掘新興臺灣潛力品牌等主題緊密合作,一同打造協助臺灣企業出海的領航戰艦,本日活動亦吸引超過逾百名企業菁英出席。 外貿協會副秘書長李惠玲表示,台灣經貿網多年來與Google合作下提供企業高效的電商解決方案。數據結合AI是當今商業成功的關鍵,透過AI的跨域應用可打造更吸客的個人化體驗服務。Google臺灣客戶解決方案副總經理李芝禎引用達爾文的適者生存論,AI已是現在進行式,擁抱趨勢者將成最終贏家。Google執行長Sundar Pichai更於2016年就已預言未來將是個AI先...

印度商工部次長首度訪台 啟動台印全面大合作

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看好印度市場的發展潛力,經濟部國際貿易局、外貿協會與印度台北協會於本(2018)年1月24日在台北國際會議中心共同主辦「2018年台印貿易論壇與貿易洽談會」,貿協於論壇上分別與印度貿易推廣組織(India Trade Promotion Organisation,簡稱ITPO)、印度工程出口促進委員會(Engineering Export Promotion Council of India,簡稱EEPC India)簽署合作備忘錄,由貿協副董事長莊碩漢與ITPO執行董事 Deepak Kumar及EEPC India助理執行長Suranjan Gupta代表簽署,並由經濟部常務次長王美花與印度商工部次長Rita Teaotia見證,期盼藉由企業交流、會展合作、組團互訪、市場資訊分享與電商平台鏈結等方式,促進雙邊經貿往來,進一步深化台灣與印度之間的經貿伙伴關係。

Huge export increase in Taiwan’s Hidden Champions Beauty Industry

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Taiwan’s beauty industry is one of the fastest growing industries with export potential in recent years. The total volume of Taiwan’s cosmetics exports has grown by 14% on average over the past five years. Even though the beauty industry has faced a financial crisis, it has overcome the challenges to continue growing. Taiwan's production of beauty masks ranks #1 worldwide, accounting for 17% of global beauty mask production. Businesses in Taiwan’s beauty industry have accumulated many years of experience at being original equipment manufacturers (OEM) for international cosmetics businesses. These man...

FOOD TAIPEI 2016 ─ Asia’s Super 5-in-1 Food Expo

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The five 5-in-1 Mega Food Show is composed of Asia’s five best shows, namely FOOD TAIPEI, FOODTECH & PHARMATECH TAIPEI, TAIPEI PACK, Taiwan HOTECA and HALAL TAIWAN. By connecting all things food, buyers gained their best one-stop-source for food, packaging, food processing machinery, hospitality and catering, as well as halal. June’s super 5-in-1 show joined 1,656 exhibitors who used 3,981 booths to display their products to 7,756 overseas buyers from 108 countries and 59,843 domestic professionals. East & West Cuisine at over 36 National Pavilions FOOD TAIPEI is full of opportunities with a g...

Global Competitiveness of the Agricultural and Fishery Industries in Penghu

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Penghu is an outstanding place where is rich in agricultural, fishery, and tourism resources. The agricultural and fishery products derived from Penghu's crystal clear sea and unpolluted land, thereby making them delectable and widely appreciated. On 24-25 Jun 2016, the Bureau of Foreign Trade, the Penghu County Government, and TAITRA organized an international procurement meeting and site visits for the agricultural and fishery products of Penghu. A total of 19 buyers from 11 countries and 3 international media were invited to take part in. To ensure the County can better keep abreast with global trends through...

Global Competitiveness of the Agricultural and Fishery Industries in Pingtung

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Pingtung boasts flourishing agricultural and fishery industries due to its superior geographical location. To marketing Pingtung worldwide, the Council of Agriculture, Pingtung County Government, and TAITRA organized an international procurement meeting for agricultural and fishery products on April 13-14 2016, in which 15 buyers from 6 countries were invited to meet manufacturers in Pingtung and pay on-site visits. It allowed buyers a chance to understand the development and management of Taiwan's agricultural and fishery products from the perspective of production, helping them to better understand the ...

Global Competitiveness of the Agricultural and Fishery Industries in Pingtung

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Pingtung boasts flourishing agricultural and fishery industries due to its superior geographical location. To marketing Pingtung worldwide, the Council of Agriculture, Pingtung County Government, and TAITRA organized an international procurement meeting for agricultural and fishery products on April 13-14 2016, in which 15 buyers from 6 countries were invited to meet manufacturers in Pingtung and pay on-site visits. It allowed buyers a chance to understand the development and management of Taiwan's agricultural and fishery products from the perspective of production, helping them to better understand the ...

Global Competitiveness of the Agricultural and Fishery Industries in Penghu

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Penghu is an outstanding place where is rich in agricultural, fishery, and tourism resources. The agricultural and fishery products derived from Penghu's crystal clear sea and unpolluted land, thereby making them delectable and widely appreciated. On 24-25 Jun 2016, the Bureau of Foreign Trade, the Penghu County Government, and TAITRA organized an international procurement meeting and site visits for the agricultural and fishery products of Penghu. A total of 19 buyers from 11 countries and 3 international media were invited to take part in. To ensure the County can better keep abreast with global trends through...