8 筆資料

KUNG LONG BATTERIES INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD. - Specialist Lead-acid Battery

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Know more: https://klb.en.taiwantrade.com ■ Established in 1990, we are the only listed specialist lead-acid battery manufacturer in Taiwan. In addition to our first factory in Taiwan, we have two more modern production facilities in Vietnam. With a total developed area of 252,000m2, each has passed ISO9001, TL9000, ISO14001, ISO17025, and ISO45001 certification. Through precision manufacturing and using our quality management system, all sealed batteries distributed in our own brand “LONG” have passed UL accreditation. In order to cope with the high-quality requirements of the EU security monitoring marke...

Eaton Taiwan - Power Quality Solutions

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Visit us: http://powerquality.eaton.tw/ In 2020, Eaton officially opened its first "High-tech Power Quality Laboratory" in Taiwan! In response to the trend of the international supply chain layout, Eaton has further strengthened its investment in Taiwan and deployed high-tech power quality laboratories in advance. It will provide indicators of corporate power load simulations for different industries such as Taiwan’s semiconductor and high-tech industries, and assist customers in Taiwan With a stable power supply foundation, it has further become a key force in global supply. Know more about Eaton : http://powerquality....

Eaton Taiwan - Power Quality Solutions

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Visit us: http://powerquality.eaton.tw/ In 2020, Eaton officially opened its first "High-tech Power Quality Laboratory" in Taiwan! In response to the trend of the international supply chain layout, Eaton has further strengthened its investment in Taiwan and deployed high-tech power quality laboratories in advance. It will provide indicators of corporate power load simulations for different industries such as Taiwan’s semiconductor and high-tech industries, and assist customers in Taiwan With a stable power supply foundation, it has further become a key force in global supply. Know more about Eaton : http://powerquality....

2019台北國際自行車展TAIPEI CYCLE 宣傳

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「台北國際自行車展」為全球第二大自行車專業展會,除展出整車、電動自行車、服飾及零配件等全方位自行車商品。 Taipei CYCLE, Asia's biggest and best cycling industry extravaganza organized by TAITRA. 2019 TAIPEI CYCLE DemoDay : 3/26 試乘體驗日 華中露營場 3/27~3/28 僅供相關業者入場 3/29~3/30 開放民眾購票入場 更多資訊請見官網 https://www.taipeicycle.com.tw/ https://www.taipeicycle.com.tw/zh_TW/index.html 更多商情 立即前往台灣經貿網: https://info.taiwantrade.com/


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「台北國際自行車展」為全球第三大、亞洲第一大自行車專業展會,除展出整車、電動自行車、服飾及零配件等全方位自行車商品外,2018年,更全新推出「物聯網」及「新創」專區,帶領自行車產業邁入智慧騎乘的世界。 Taipei CYCLE, Asia's biggest and best cycling industry extravaganza that's organized by TAITRA, heads into 31st edition in 2018 with an unstoppable momentum by featuring complete bicycles, bicycle parts and accessories and light electric vehicles. Also, we will launch 2 brand new exhibit zones, IoT and New Enterprises Zone, leading the industry into the world of smart cycling.


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Established in 1990, we are the only listed specialist lead-acid battery manufacturer in Taiwan. In addition to our first factory in Taiwan, we have two more modern production facilities in Vietnam. With a total developed area of 252,000m2, each has passed ISO9001, TL9000, ISO14001, ISO17025, and OHSAS18001 certification. Through precision manufacturing and using our quality management system, all sealed batteries distributed in our own brand “LONG” have passed UL accreditation. In order to cope with the high-quality requirements of the EU security monitoring market, we have also passed VdS c...

台灣經貿網堂堂邁入十二週年 會員聯誼會網羅跨境數位新商機

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經濟部國際貿易局為協助我國中小企業運用電子商務與全球貿易接軌,責成外貿協會(TAITRA)營運的台灣經貿網已邁入第12年,國內會員數逾6萬8千家,為促進會員間交誼,加強網路行銷應用資訊流通,於9月1日下午2時於台北世貿1館第3、4、5會議室舉辦會員聯誼會,台灣經貿網策略合作夥伴包含Amazon、eBay、Newegg、QTrade、DHL、TNT、UPS、中華郵政、玉山銀行、鄧白氏等均與會共襄盛舉。 今年度的活動主題為「電子商務致勝關鍵」,為因應電子商務網路行銷趨勢,外貿協會特別邀請到Google台灣區業務總監李殷豪先生分析網路行銷最新趨勢與應用,一舉網羅跨境數位的新商機。今年除特別邀請3家已成功運用台灣經貿網拓展外銷市場的會員廠商外,另邀請擁有多年網路行銷輔導經驗的資深顧問共同與談,提供與會廠商更切合實際運用之建議。 台灣經貿網今年度亦與eBay合作舉辦台灣經貿網校園電子商務競賽,藉由大專院校與會員廠商合作,讓電子商務概念向下紮根至校園,並於聯誼會頒發本競賽之最佳營運績效及最佳賣場設計特優獎,創造廠商實質獲益雙贏局面。


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為協助中小企業運用網路科技,拓銷全球市場,國際貿易局自91年起委託外貿協會建置營運「台灣經貿網」,至今已邁入第10年,這10年來,國內會員數已突破6.5萬家,會員廠商擁有(D&B)認證的網站,並與Google、PayPal、UPS、TNT等國際知名企業合作,提供完整的資訊流、金流及物流服務,成功協助會員全球拓展。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網