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2009 Taitronics and RFID Show

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The 35th Taipei International Electronics Show (TAITRONICS), and the 3rd Taiwan Int'l RFID Applications Show (Taiwan RFID), jointly hosted by Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) and Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufactures' Association (TEEMA) kicked off on October 8 at TWTC Nangang Exhibition Hall, Taipei. There are close to 20 events and seminars scheduled during the show that will underscore Taiwan's outstanding research capacity in ICT industry. These activities also provide an exchange platform for international buyers and domestic suppliers. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網

2009台北國際電子暨RFID應用展 展前報導

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由外貿協會(TAITRA)與台灣區電機電子同業公會(TEEMA)共同主辦的「第35屆台北國際電子展」以及「第3屆台灣國際RFID應用展」將於2009年10月8日至11日於台北世貿中心南港展覽館盛大展出,兩展共有847 家廠商參展,使用1700個攤位。同時在台北國際會議中心與世貿一館也將舉辦為期三日(10月7日至9日)的「台灣國際太陽光電論壇暨展覽會」。電子產業明星三展串聯蓄勢待發,將使台灣成為國際買主十月份電子採購旺季的指標站! TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網