More info: T-SOK Co. Ltd. is the leading global manufacturers of multi-slide die casting machines for zinc and the relevant equipment. With many years of experience in the production and sales of multi-slide die-casting machines, we have successfully developed the world's first fully-electric multi-slide die-casting machine. It has significantly increased the density and surface quality of casting to a new standard. Apart from being the supplier of multi-slide die casting machines, T-SOK has a tool shop well equipped with the most modern machineries, and experienced tool makers with the ...
More info: Established in 1978, Hua Ching Manufacturing Co., Ltd. as a professional manufacturer in wooden and plastic drafting supplies for over 43 years. We specialize in manufacturing wooden T-Square,easels, rulers, furniture, drafting supplies, gifts and due to our high- quality products and competitive pricing,we have obtained worldwide recognition. Moreover, cooperation with our customers to develop new items is always our priority. Welcome to contact us whenever you need further information or assistance, it's always our great pleasure at your service. Hidex, the manufac...
More info: One step for your Hi-end fabric and garment sourcing and cooperation from ACOTEX. Contact now: Sourcing more Taiwan Products:
Using an Eccentric BB ( to adjust chain tension and bottom bracket height. If you have an English Threaded BSA bottom bracket setup, you will be good to go straight away with this model. The set fits just like any other BSA 24 threads per inch unit. Whereas you normally loosen and adjust your single speed chain tension through loosening the wheel nuts. Once the eccentric BB is fitted though there will be no need for this. The set comes with different sized spacers and a wavy washer along with a dedicated tool for installation and removal. You use a 2mm ...
#2020FshionWorldTokyo #TaiwantradeBooth@7-58 Know more: Sourcing more Taiwan Products: We, Aureate Int'l Co., Ltd is a circular seamless apparel supplier, our product categories are as below; Activewear Fitness/Yoga wear Women Underwear Sports thermal baselayer Fitted wear Our products are able to offer following advantages; a. Technical functions-Breathable, Moisture Management, Anti-Microbial, Thermo Regulation b. Ventilation zones at any parts of the apparel as request, but without stitches at sideseam c. Fab...
外貿協會「2019年度記者會」於1月24日在台北國際會議中心舉行,董事長黃志芳表示,去年臺灣出口創歷年新高,較前一年成長5.9%,但12月接單減少10.5%,已對經濟前景釋出警訊,2019年是無法樂觀的一年,貿協將全力協助業者多元布局,並透過數位化、科技化,提供業者全方位的整合性拓銷服務。 為強化新南向市場布局,貿協去年增設了印度駐新德里辦事處及斯里蘭卡駐可倫坡辦事處,另為協助我新創產業發展,今年2月貿協將於以色列成立特拉維夫台貿中心。以國為全球新創與高科技研發重鎮,全球有超過350家跨國企業在當地設立研發中心,豐沛的創新能量與臺灣優異的製造實力有極大合作空間,未來特拉維夫台貿中心將聚焦高科技與新創領域,為我商爭取更多商機。 2018年貿協在印度、印尼、越南、泰國及馬來西亞共辦理5場「臺灣形象展」,結合產業、貿易、文化、觀光等元素,完整呈現臺灣的軟實力與硬實力,5展總計吸引11.8萬人次參觀,促成4.4億美元商機,成果豐碩。貿協也籌組電動車、智慧城市、石化、公共工程、醫療等國家隊,赴新南向國家進行深度合作並已見成效。其他新興市場方面,貿協於土耳其、伊拉克、以色列、埃及、杜拜辦理多項拓銷活動,...
台灣LED產業耕耘多年,產值躍升全球第二,產量更是位居第一。首屆辦理的台灣國際照明科技展即將在2010年3月15日開展,展出規劃包括家用照明、 工業照明、 LED、 綠色照明與 燈具零組件。同時主辦單位將舉辦趨勢研討會、 照明科技國際論壇與照明菁英獎競賽,將帶給產業與民眾一場最具色彩與環保的燈光饗宴!!!...... TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
The 21st Taipei International Medical and Healthcare Exhibition will be held from Nov. 5th to 11th, 2009 at TWTC hall 1. There will be 290 businesses participated in the show. This show is a highly professional exhibition and the content includes a wide range of medical equipment and service. Several international medical conferences, seminars, and product reviews are also held in the show. This exhibition is expected to bring the worlds enthusiasts in the development of medical equipment and services to Taiwan and introduce to them Taiwans innovations and progress. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網