3 筆資料

Quality, Grenn, Innovation - PANG-DYI Designing & Printing Co., Ltd.

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Pang-Dyi Designing & Printing Co., Ltd./Shanghai Pang-Ding Trading Co., Ltd . was established in 1990. The company started with custom paper and printing services. As business grew steadily, we formed our own stationary department, marketing our products both domestically and overseas under the Pundy brand name. We focus primarily on environmentally friendly products and development of environmentally friendly materials. We have also established an R&D department specializing in DIY binders notebook and peripheral products. Pundy’s DIY binders has undergone various R&D innovations, with world pate...

Finding New Life in Old Traditions - Taiwan Gift & Stationery Industry Report

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The stationery industry in Taiwan took shape during the 1950s. Export sales commenced in the 1960s, achieving strong growth through the efforts of the industry and government support. The gift industry rise to prominence began in the 1970s as the economy began to take off as well in Taiwan. From the 1990s onwards, The economic development began to level off with labor shortages and rising wages in Taiwan. When Taiwan joined the WTO in 2002, the arrival of high-quality, highly-designed gift & stationery products from overseas began putting pressure on the gift & stationery industries in Taiwan. The co...

堅持品質,善盡環保,傳統中追求創新 - 邦迪設計印刷有限公司

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邦迪設計印刷公司/上海邦鼎貿易有限公司成立於1990年,初期經營客製化紙品印刷服務,業務穩定成長,成立辦公文具部門,並以PUNDY品牌行銷國內外,以環保商品及開發環保材料為主,另成立研發部門,專職開發可DIY裝訂的抽取式活頁夾及衍生商品。 PUNDY抽取夾不斷研發創新改良,多種新款已獲得世界多國專利,朝向國際規格。符合人體工學、環保、簡易、輕巧、多功能、隨手可組裝文件或紙本。產品更榮獲2009年第三屆金印獎第一名的肯定。 在與企業合作方面,接受大宗客製化訂製,其品項包括日誌本、萬用手冊、資料夾等辦公文具用品,秉持著以服務品質為信念,贏得許多客戶長期的信賴。於業界已樹立優質產品的品牌形象。 本影片由外貿協會(TAITRA)台灣經貿網製作,感謝邦迪接受採訪。