由外貿協會與機械公會共同主辦的第16屆「台北國際塑橡膠工業展(Taipei PLAS)」及首屆「台北國際製鞋機械展(ShoeTech Taipei)」於今8/15日在台北南港展覽館1館盛大開展,兩展合計共有533家廠商參展,使用2,738個攤位,完整呈現塑橡膠及製鞋機械上中下游產業鏈,提供一站式採購平台,預計吸引近兩萬名國內外買主前來參觀。 展覽主辦單位外貿協會董事長黃志芳對進入工業4.0時代持樂觀態度,他表示,透過物聯網,讓工業生產與消費市場產生雙向連結;而透過社群的連結,強化了人類對環境保護的意識,讓過去塑橡膠產品大規模生產所追求的量走向了「質」的精進,成為貼近消費者的「客製化消費品」。 今年兩展首度同期同場地展出,其中「台北國際塑橡膠工業展」集結國內外知名大廠,包含鳳記、鼎坤、百塑、光興、震錩、台中精機、富強鑫、威猛巴頓菲爾、阿博格、恩格爾等,展出運用控制系統、數據分析、物聯網及遠端監控等智慧機械與智慧製造方案,協助業者降低耗損、提高生產效率與產品品質,滿足各式加工需求。首屆「台北國際製鞋機械展」則有佰龍、鼎聖、鴻綺、千附、穎暉、誠鋒、啟翔、萬特、高亨、DESMA等指標廠商參展,展示結合即時數據回饋...
由中華民國對外貿易發展協會及臺灣機械工業同業公會共同主辦的「2016年台北國際塑橡膠工業展覽會(Taipei PLAS)」於8月12日在臺北南港展覽館1館盛大開展。該展今年為第15屆舉辦,展覽規模為歷年來第二高紀錄,今年總計533家廠商參展,使用2,582個攤位,預計吸引2,700名國外買主,1萬4000名國內相關業者前來觀展採購。 PLAS展邀請經濟部次長王美花、經濟部貿易局長楊珍妮、外貿協會董事長梁國新及臺灣機械工業同業公會理事長柯拔希等貴賓。梁國新表示,為配合政府倡導的「新南向政策」,外貿協會力邀印度、泰國、印尼、菲律賓、馬來西亞等國買主來參觀採購。 王美花於開幕典禮中提到,塑橡膠產業一直是支撐臺灣經濟成長的重要傳統產業,不僅有完整產業聚落、價格具競爭力,品質也深受肯定。為了創造我國機械產業下一波成長新動能,政府將運用臺灣資通訊產業優勢,連結消費者需求與產業應用,建立符合市場需求之技術與服務,以打造臺灣成為全球智慧機械及高階設備關鍵零組件的研發製造中心。工業局將也透過相關計畫,協助業者開發安全環保無毒材料,生產足以讓消費者安心的塑膠食品包裝產品,提升我國塑橡膠產業之競爭力。 主辦單位將於展覽...
Taipei PLAS is a bilingual industrial trade show that co-hosted by TAITRA(Taiwan External Trade Development Council) and TAMI(Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry) that has been running for 14 editions. This year the exhibitor reached 530, using 2670 booths, that Taiwanese plastics and rubber manufacturers did their best in showcasing their quality, innovation and ratio to attract buyers. Taipei PLAS 2014 closed on 30th of September with an estimated business opportunity of US$200 million. There were 2,730 international visitors, a 8% increase, from 113 countries. Total visitors accumulated to ...
由外貿協會(TAITRA)及臺灣機械工業同業公會共同主辦的「2014年台北國際塑橡膠工業展覽會」於26日在南港展覽館登場。今年規模再創新高,總計530家廠商參展,使用2670個攤位,較上屆分別成長12%及成長16%。 外貿協會預估,將吸引2,600名國外買主,1萬3,900名以上國內相關產業買主觀展採購,展覽現場及後續商機上看2億美元。 今年規劃8大展區:塑橡膠加工機械區、塑橡膠周邊設備區、模具及零組件區、模具加工設備區、塑橡膠原料及製品區、外商區、國際公協會區、海峽兩岸塑橡膠工業展區等,展品多元豐富。 各國塑橡膠相關業者亦組團前來參加,範圍橫跨亞、歐及中東地區等新興市場,如:印度、越南、中國大陸、土耳其、約旦等。 此外,主辦單位將於展覽期間舉辦超過24場活動及技術研討會,包括歷屆廣受好評之「一對一洽談會」、「塑橡膠機械研究發展創新產品競賽」,亦邀請塑膠中心、臺灣科技大學、台灣創意中心、科盛科技等產學單位,辦理「環保性材料可移轉之技術專利」、「3D列印新時代」、「機械設計美學趨勢」、「汽車輕量化塑膠產業之核心技術」等產業界熱門議題研討會。
Taipei PLAS 2012由外貿協會(TAITRA)與機器公會共同舉辦,吸引來自全球111國,2,518名國際買主,國內參觀人數亦達13,361人。展會期間辦理147場貿易洽談會,創造將近35億新台幣商機。 亞洲前三大塑橡膠工業展- "Taipei PLAS" 展出26年,已儼然成為亞洲塑橡膠產業的專業交流平台。下屆展會將於2014年9月26至30日再度登場,敬請拭目以待。 台北國際塑橡膠工業展|http://www.taipeiplas.com.tw 台灣國際專業展|http://www.taiwantradeshows.com.tw/ 台灣經貿網|http://www.taiwantrade.com.tw/ TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
The "Taipei PLAS 2012" was co-organized by TAITRA and TAMI and attracted 2,518 international buyers from 111 countries as well as 13,361 domestic visitors. During the exhibition, there were 147 trade meetings held, expected to create nearly USD$1.2 billion business opportunities. "Taipei PLAS", one of the three largest plastics and rubber industry shows in Asia, has been held for 26 years and has become the professional sharing platform for Asian plastics and rubber industry. The next show will be held in September 26-30 in 2014, and we look forwarding to your participation. Taipei PLAS|http://www.taipeiplas.co...
The "2012 Taipei PLAS" had a five-day exhibition and had attracted 2,518 international buyers from 111 countries. The "Taipei PLAS", one of the three largest plastics and rubber industry shows in Asia, had demonstrated energy-saving, low-cost, and high-efficiency new models. Companies from Germany, Mexico, Dubai, India, Turkey and other countries had showed their high recognition on the manufacturing technology and product performance of Taiwan plastics and rubber industry. The next "Taipei PLAS" will be held on September 26-30, 2014. Worldwide buyers will gather in Taipei once again and create enormous busi...
2012 Taipei International Plastics & Rubber Industry Show (TAIPEI PLAS 2012) was jointly held by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) and Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry (TAMI). Besides Taiwanese suppliers, the Show is also participated by 475 companies from 13 countries (including Germany, Japan, UK, China, Hong Kong, South Korea, Thailand, Austria, Ireland and Singapore) with 2,310 booths. This year marks the 13th "Taipei International Plastics & Rubber Industry Show" (TAIPEI PLAS) which is held once every two year. As one of the top-3 plastics and rubber exhibitions in Asia, T...