2 筆資料

江蘇省經貿概況及拓銷建議 : 台灣貿易中心上海代表處南京聯絡點

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江蘇省作為目前大陸綜合發展水準最高的省份,物產人力資源極為豐富,台商企業發展成熟,投資額連續12年居大陸第一。江蘇省南部與“長三角經濟區”核心城市上海接壤,經濟實力極強。本片對江蘇省的經貿環境及適合拓銷產品都做了簡要介紹,並提供了4點市場拓銷建議。歡迎台商來江蘇開拓市場,台灣貿易中心(TAITRA)南京駐點非常樂意為您提供協助。 台灣貿易中心上海代表處南京聯絡點網址為 : http://nanjing.taiwantrade.com.tw/

Expanding Trading Opportunities through the Taiwan Trade Fair

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The Market Development Department was established by TAITRA to expand the scope of our services and help businesses develop overseas markets. Its main activities include: Directly helping business to develop key overseas markets by organizing trade show delegations, trade delegations and trade talks; focusing on important industries; developing international market channels; and encouraging and supporting potential major foreign importers and distributors to expand their purchasing in Taiwan. The Taiwan Trade Fair in Nanjing held in 2009, for example, was the largest trade show ever hosted by TAI...