2 筆資料

利沙企業的陽光彩虹麵 醬好的新飲食美學

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利沙企業成立於1987年,早期運用布料、金屬、玻璃等材質設計飾品及配件,外銷歐美市場為主;之後以OEM方式與日本Mary's Chocolate, Pilot等知名品牌合作,並成功地將自創設計的生活概念商品以"Designed in Taiwan, Made in China"模式進入各個日本連鎖專門店如Sony Plaza, Tokyo Hands以及韓國E. Land 百貨公司Outlet 2001等,過程中學習到生產製程、品質、服務等的嚴謹與要求,進而對本身產品設計與經營水平有莫大的提升。現在,利沙企業回到台灣,期望以"Life is full of possibilities"的理念將100%台灣研發設計生產的台灣品牌打入國際,更將美的概念延伸至美食,研發了陽光彩虹麵與醬,期望將自然、愉悅、樂活的生活概念透­過產品傳達給人們。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網

The Most-Valued and Fair-Priced Products of Taiwan 30 --Sun Rainbow Noodles

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LISA EVERFASHION CORP. was established in 1987. In the early stage, we apply materials like fabric, metal and glass to design ornaments and accessories. We mainly focused our export business in Europe and North American. We later cooperated with famous Japanese brands like Mary's Chocolate, and Pilot as an OEM company, and had successfully launched chained specialty shops in Japan such as Sony Plaza, Tokyo Hands, and E. Land-Outlet 2001 Department Store in Korea with our innovative design concept of "Designed in Taiwan, Made in China." We had learned the manufacturing process and quality and servic...