COMPUTEX TAIPEI has become the largest computer exhibition in Asia and the second largest in the world, next to CeBIT in Germany. Each year, key global businesses come to this event to launch their new products. This exhibition attracts observers, analysts, and journalists of computer and information industries from all over the world to discover and report the latest technologies, developments, and trends. 全球第二,亞洲最大的B2B 專業電腦展 COMPUTEX,即將邁入第29屆的台北國際電腦展,匯集全球最新 最夯3C產品,於6月2日南港展館盛大開展的COMPUTEX,今年又為買主與玩家帶來什麼新的衝擊? TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網