順應臺美雙邊關係從供應鏈合作升級為全方位夥伴,在經濟部國際貿易局的支持下,外貿協會成立「臺美商務交流中心」,並於今(18)日上午10時,舉辦開幕典禮暨揭幕酒會,由外貿協會董事長黃志芳主持,經濟部次長王美花、美國在台協會(AIT)處長Mr. William Brent Christensen蒞臨致詞,AIT副處長Mr. Raymond F. Greene、國際貿易局局長楊珍妮、美國各州在臺辦事處代表、臺北市美國商會代表、台灣區電機電子工業同業公會理事長李詩欽、臺電公司董事長楊偉甫、友嘉集團總裁朱志洋皆親臨祝賀,現場冠蓋雲集,展現更為凝聚的臺美關係,更將以全方位的夥伴關係共創榮景。 外貿協會黃志芳董事長開幕致詞時表示,全球供應鏈結構重整,由全球化轉向在地化,臺美關係除了雙邊貿易與投資的升溫成長外,正在從version 1.0供應鏈合作關係升級到version 2.0全方位夥伴關係,臺美企業將從源頭端研發創新共同合作,維護自由、開放的價值,展現互惠、互利的競爭優勢。黃志芳董事長更進一步表示,為了迎接臺美商業關係新時代的來臨,貿協將鏈結美國在臺最重要的商務機構:美國在臺協會(American Institute in Taiwan, ...
Due to the fact Dashu of Kaohsiung is situated near the Kaoping River, the surrounding natural environment and rich soil make Yuherbau litchis extra large and extremely sweet. Dashu's Yuherbau litchis are responsible for 80% - 90% of Taiwan's litchi market. https://info.taiwantrade.com/
Kaohsiung City has the largest yield of jujubes, producing large, tasty fruit.. Jujube is thin-skinned, juicy, and rich in vitamin C, with a delicious, crisp taste in every bite. Because the harvest time of jujube occurs before and after the Chinese New Year, and jujube is considered an auspicious fruit, it has become a very popular gift during the Chinese New Year. The major growing regions of jujubes include the districts of Yanchao, Taisha, Alian, Tianlao and Gangshan of Kaohsiung. The soil here is rich in potassium, magnesium and other minerals and trace elements, giving the fruits grown in these areas an especially strong...
Taipei PLAS is a bilingual industrial trade show that co-hosted by TAITRA(Taiwan External Trade Development Council) and TAMI(Taiwan Association of Machinery Industry) that has been running for 14 editions. This year the exhibitor reached 530, using 2670 booths, that Taiwanese plastics and rubber manufacturers did their best in showcasing their quality, innovation and ratio to attract buyers. Taipei PLAS 2014 closed on 30th of September with an estimated business opportunity of US$200 million. There were 2,730 international visitors, a 8% increase, from 113 countries. Total visitors accumulated to ...
Since the show was first launched in 2005, it has grown from exhibiting 800 patents to its present scale of 2,000 patented inventions. This serves as clear proof of Taiwanese innovation ability. Exhibitors this year included many well-known schools and companies: Taipei University of Technology, National Central University and other schools as well as well-known companies such as Chunghwa Telecom and Mackay Memorial Hospital. And also featured invention organizations and inventors from 15 countries including Poland, South Korea and Thailand. The TIPO Innovation Invention Area showcased 45 handpicked e...
The growth and the success of the TAIPEI CYCLE Show year after year is a reflection of the rapid growth of the bicycle industry in Asia and in the world. Heading towards its 27th year in 2014, the TAIPEI CYCLE Show is Asia’s biggest bicycle fair: each year in March, this is where it’s all about bikes, all about their quality and innovation, and all of it is impressing – not only for the audience of experts but also for the general public. A highlight at the TAIPEI CYCLE Show is the special presentation of the TAIPEI CYCLE d&i award winners. Organized by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) and the Taiwan Bicy...
In this aging social structure, aged care is an important issue that every region and country will encounter. More than a decade ago, many companies in Taiwan have perceived the opportunities and became involved in the aged care market. There are primarily five types of elderly care assistive devices: mobile aid, transfer aid, pressure reducing device, bathroom assistive device, and safety assistive device. Assistive devices provide convenience to the lives of those with mobility impairments and alleviate the stress for caregivers. Aged care will be the mainstream of future medical economy. The successful adv...
Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), Taipei Computer Association, Photonics Industry and Technology Development Association (PIDA), and Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International jointly hosted Display Taiwan 2013, which ran from June 18 to 20 at Nankang Exhibition Hall for three days in a row. Along with the Photonics Festival in Taiwan 2013 running at the same time, the shows used 1,502 booths for altogether 649 exhibitors throughout the world. This three-day show attracted 33,187 visitors from around the world, marking a growth of 9.1% from the previous year. Among the vi...