Know more: JS AUTOMATION CORP. is a professional designer of PC Based control cards and has more than 20 years experience. Now we have accumulated rich experience and technology development to designed various industrial control card products. We mainly produce PC-based control card, Automation components, Embedded syste, Embedded system and Ethernet IO module. JS AUTOMATION CORP. uses its diversified and stable products to assist manufacturers around the world. Our products are certified by TUV DIN ISO/EN9001.We can use more economical methods to upg...
More info: (TARGET VALVE) YUENG SHING INDUSTRIAL CO., LTD, was established in 1995. The beginning of company, we do OEM service for Japan. In 2007 has foreign sales department by ourselves. We start to join the international exhibition show. Up to now, we have some of agents from Russia, Poland and United Status. We can send the goods to Canada from United States. We do 100% the check of cap by threaded gauge. Our factory has PT, NPT, BSP, BSPT, DIN 2999...etc. threaded gauge tools. There are 15 CNC, 3 drilling machine, Ultrasonic cleaning machine and 4 CNC Mu...
Hand-made globe. High quality. Made in Taiwan. 台灣製手工地球儀,員工跟隨30年 1983年至今一貫的品質維持,我們唯一的堅持! Buy it Now👉 Sourcing more Taiwan Products:
Know more: Sourcing more Taiwan Products: About R&D R&D International specializes in the design and manufacture of quality metal building materials. Currently our product lines are aluminum and stainless-steel tile trim, aluminum and stainless-steel door sill, aluminum non-slip stair nosing trim, aluminum baseboard, aluminum drip edge and so on. Our products are available in various shapes, sizes and colors. High quality, affordable price, easy installation, and significant effect are the characteristics of our products and are recognized by...
Taitra Kaohsiung Office provides services to companies in Kaohsiung, Pingtung, Hualien, Taitung and Penghu. These regions boast agriculture and fisheries industries, processed foods industry, beauty industry , shipbuilding industry, metal manufacturing industry, Funtech. Through this office, TAITRA is able to maintain close contact and interaction with local companies in their respective areas and provide direct and substantial services in areas such as feature trade promotion, business information, market seminars, and on-the-job training.
A New Worldview on Cycling 第30屆台北國際自行車展(Taipei Cycle)自本(2017)年3月22日至25日於南港展覽館及世貿一館兩地盛大展出,吸引1,115家廠商參展,使用3,340個攤位。展出品項從自行車整車、電動自行車及零配件一應俱全,同時為歡慶展覽30周年,擴大舉辦展會活動,為全球自行車產業注入新風貌。 14:00-14:03 司儀開場 14:03-14:10 本會代表 葉明水秘書長 致詞 14:10-14:15 臺灣自行車輸出業同業公會 張蕙娟秘書長 致詞 14:15-14:20 德國iF意符國際論壇設計有限公司 總經理Ralph Wiegmann 致詞 14:20-14:33 頒發創新設計獎 14:33-14:35 頒發創新設計獎金質獎及新創企業獎 14:35-14:50 頒發連續參展30週年廠商感謝狀 14:50-15:30 參觀展品/媒體採訪
由外貿協會(TAITRA)與台灣自行車輸出業同業公會主辦,委由德國iF國際設計論壇執行的第四屆「台北國際自行車展創新設計獎」(TAIPEI CYCLE d&i awards),由全球自行車與設計界專家組成的國際評審團,經過激烈的討論之後,從來自15國的209件參賽作品當中,選出5件獲金質獎、51件獲銀質獎,以及1件獲「金質獎-新創企業獎」,為2015年首次選拔,以表揚2011年1月1日以後成立,在創新設計表現突出的新創廠商。本年3月17日將於台北國際自行車展前國際記者會進行頒獎,所有獲獎作品將亦將於2015年台北國際自行車展期間(3月18日至21日)於南港展覽館1樓光廊展出。 本屆評審由Ulrika Saade (Velokonzept Sadde GmbH, 德國)、孫崇實(器研所,台灣)、Georg Todtenbier (CRE8 Design, 德國)、Gideon Loewy (Scandinavian Design,丹麥)、Michael Steen (NIKE, 美國) 以及Norbert Haller (Idberlin, 德國)組成,就參賽作品的創新程度、設計品質、工藝、材料運用、永續性、功能、實用性、安全性、人體工學、通用設計等1...
The "2014 Taipei International Computer Show” (COMPUTEX Taipei) is an annual big event in the global ICT industry. Launched with great fanfare in June, the show attracted a total of 1,710 exhibitors in 5,069 booths. Mediatek, the world's 2nd largest mobile phone chip maker and 4th largest ICT design house, took part in the show for the first time this year. More than 38,000 international buyers from around the world were attracted to the show. The five main themes this year were "Wearable Technology", "Mobile Computing", "Cloud Technology and Services", as well as the all-new "Touch Applications & Display Products ...