More info: “Seconn” is a leading Taiwan factory and we have produced a variety of customized cable assemblies, Wire Harness and connectors. Our company has 35 years experience and we can do OEM Cable assembly and Connectors according to customer’s requirement. Our factory location in Shenzhen, China and we have 6000 square meters and 200 employees. Our factory approved the ISO-9001 quality guarantee system management and our products certificated with the RoHS, UL, Waterproof IP68, D & B D-U-N-S and REACH with high quality and reliability. We can produce ...
Know more: Sourcing more Taiwan Products: Power Communication Technology Co., Ltd. was established on 5th July, 1988. Since then, we have been a professional PC peripheral manufacturer with a full line of audio/video controller products for three decades. Thanks to staff’s innovation and hard working, the business is always thriving. Our product line includes: * USB Type-C Series (single port/multi-port/converter cable/mini docking) * Video Converter (VGA/DisplayPort/HDMI to VGA/DVI/DisplayPort/HDMI) * Video Extender (Active Cable/Over IP/Over LAN...
銘鵬科技股份有限公司 Power Communication Technology Co., Ltd. 成立於 1988 年台北,專業從事於 電腦周邊產品 -- 全系列多電腦控制器及分配器之設計與製造,產品線也擴及多 電腦切換器、螢幕分配器、影音延長器、矩陣式影音切換器及電腦共享器等。 銘鵬經貿網網址