貿協擴大與Newegg攜手合作 力推臺灣科技產業跨境電商市場 外貿協會於本(112)年5月31日在台北國際電腦展(Computex 2023)與全球知名電商平台Newegg簽署合作備忘錄(MOU),並由外貿協會董事長黃志芳和Newegg全球執行長Anthony Chow雙方代表簽署。並邀請Newegg台灣重量級3C/IT科技產品國際供應商如Gigabyte、ASUS、MSI、ASRock、ADATA、G.Skill、Team Group、Thermaltake、Bitspower、振華電腦及美商 AMD、微軟等二十餘位高階代表蒞臨現場共同見證。 Newegg作為全球第二大3C/IT科技產品電商平台,擁有龐大的消費群眾與市場占有率以及專業的全球資源網絡。在北美市場,擁有四千萬以上忠實註冊用戶,一千四百萬e-mail 訂閱者。這次合作將著重協助臺灣中小企業站穩美國跨境電商市場,進而提升臺灣產品在全球市場的競爭力。 由經濟部國際貿易局委託外貿協會營運的台灣經貿網,根據這次的合作內容將加大力度協助臺灣中小企業在Newegg平台上架產品,進一步擴大其市場覆蓋範圍。這包括提供產品上架指導、行銷策略支援、物流協調等...
More info: https://hsingling.en.taiwantrade.com/ Since 1979, Hsing Ling has 40 years experience in printing and packaging field with professional design team. Resolving printing and product packaging issues are always our matter. “Honest is the best policy.” Honest is Hsing Ling group’s best virtue. Every decision made in the group is customer oriented. Customers that deal with Hsing Ling Group have good comments about our quality of products, delivery, and service. We treasure each chance that a customer will give to trust us in making products for them, and we try our best to upgrade the effect of presentati...
Why is 3D printing technology being touted as the herald of the third industrial revolution, and is so important? How will it change the face of global economic development? Taiwan Trade will now introduce you to 3D printing from an industry, academia and research perspective, as well as how Taiwan can seize the initiative in the global market. This video is made by Taiwantrade, organized by the Bureau of Foreign Trade under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and implemented by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA).
The "Taiwan International Boat Show" will be hosted with great fanfare from May 8th to 11th, 2014 at the newly completed Kaohsiung Exhibition Center! It is the only trade show in Taiwan dedicated to yachts, associated equipment and the marine industry. It is also the only indoor boat show in Asia. The show categories include powered yachts and boats, associated equipment and accessories, maintenance services, water sports, tourism as well as related products and services. The show has been generated strong local and overseas vendor interest since it began accepting registrations. Major three internati...
NexPower Technology Corp. was founded in 2005 by leading global semiconductor group UMC to focus on the development and application of renewable energy technology. NexPower is now a leading manufacturer of thin film PV modules. The NexPower team consists of top experts in marketing, research, manufacturing, quality and administration, making it a world-class manufacturer of thin film PV modules. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網
Established in 2007, Tainergy of the KENMEC Group is a dedicated manufacturer of solar cells, and has grown rapidly into an incorporated company within just four years due to its sophisticated technologies and professional knowledge of the industry. Every product made by Tainergy is made under a reliable and environmentally friendly circumstance. Advanced technologies are utilized to prevent and control the waste and pollution that may emerge during the process, further saving and effectively using every piece of resources. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網