2016年「台北國際禮品暨文具展」於4月22至25日在世貿一館盛大展出,徵集523家廠商參展,使用760個攤位,其中海外參展國家包括日本、不丹、尼泊爾、瓜地馬拉、波蘭、中國大陸及美國,國際化程度相當高。展期4天吸引1萬5,647名國內外買主進場參觀,展出效益獲各界一致好評! 展中活動包括「1對1採購洽談會」創造可觀的商機;「國際設計趨勢暨通路¬開發研討會」則邀請全球頂尖趨勢分析研究機構WGSN 創意指南編輯Gemma Riberti、WallpaperSTORE行銷策略經理Gilles Massé、Beyond Object創辦人陳立儂、Smoothy Co.,Ltd,行銷策略經理中村亮等強大卡司來臺¬分享設計發想及通路策略;「2015年人氣商品票選」則由品卓-「deya光點熊森林系後背包」、iThinking-「Bear Papa 棘輪螺絲起子工具」以及綠恩科技-「Vermicular琺瑯鑄鐵鍋」獲得前3名;而展期間馬拉松式的「熱門產品發表會」也成功替參展廠商行銷產品,提升品牌曝光率。第71屆,2017年「台北國際禮品暨文具展」將於4月26至29日在世貿一館再度登¬場,新增「創意設計區」、「戶外風格區」、...
Gifts have a way of showing the heart- and one place shows it best! We mean GIFTIONERY TAIPEI 2016 that joined 523 exhibitors to showcase top crafts and design across 760 booths. GIFTIONERY – also known as Taipei Int'l Gift & Stationery Show is famous for innovative refined products. Last spring more than 25,000 visitors flocked to the event that unwrapped with Taiwan Houseware and Home Décor Show and Taiwan Souvenir. The top five turn-out visitor list by country comprised: China, Japan, the U.S.A, Hong Kong and Singapore. Most were attracted by the vast and varied exhibitors who left the show with many c...