8 筆資料

連結東盟與南亞 廣西雲南潛力大 : 外貿協會台灣貿易中心廣州代表處南寧聯絡點

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廣西、雲南、貴州、海南,4省GDP水準排名較後,但經濟成長速度則較快,未來發展潛力無窮,為外貿協會(TAITRA)台灣貿易中心廣州代表處南寧聯絡點服務轄區。台商可透過參加台灣名品博覽會、中國-南亞博覽會、中國-東盟博覽會、視訊採購、省領導赴台採購團等活動,有效拓展商機。 外貿協會台灣貿易中心廣州代表處南寧聯絡點網址為 : http://nanning.taiwantrade.com.tw/

江蘇省經貿概況及拓銷建議 : 台灣貿易中心上海代表處南京聯絡點

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江蘇省作為目前大陸綜合發展水準最高的省份,物產人力資源極為豐富,台商企業發展成熟,投資額連續12年居大陸第一。江蘇省南部與“長三角經濟區”核心城市上海接壤,經濟實力極強。本片對江蘇省的經貿環境及適合拓銷產品都做了簡要介紹,並提供了4點市場拓銷建議。歡迎台商來江蘇開拓市場,台灣貿易中心(TAITRA)南京駐點非常樂意為您提供協助。 台灣貿易中心上海代表處南京聯絡點網址為 : http://nanjing.taiwantrade.com.tw/

中國大陸東北三省商機速遞 - 外貿協會台灣貿易中心大連代表處

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東三省物資富饒,產業類型較為多元,民眾對台灣產品頗具好感。外貿協會(TAITRA)台灣貿易中心大連代表處建議台商親臨東三省市場考察,利用各類展會、天然資源、優勢產業及邊境的地理優勢謀求商機。 台灣貿易中心大連代表處已于2014年11月6日在遼寧大連正式揭牌,以大連為基地,輻射東北三省,肩負全台灣與中國大陸東北地區的經貿交流任務。台灣貿易中心大連代表處網址為 : http://dalian.taiwantrade.com.tw/

A 100-Year-Old Brand Breaking New Ground

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Cake and pastry are not just cake and pastry at Kuo Yuan Ye, and are not the only products sold by Kuo Yuan Ye. Kuo Yuan Ye exists in your life, and is a friend who may assist you to share all your happiness. Kuo Yuan Ye cares about the feelings you desire to convey more than anyone else, and distributes happiness to different corners through different forms. This video is made by Taiwantrade, organized by the Bureau of Foreign Trade under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and implemented by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA). Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com

Healthcare -- Aged Care Assistive Device Industry

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In this aging social structure, aged care is an important issue that every region and country will encounter. More than a decade ago, many companies in Taiwan have perceived the opportunities and became involved in the aged care market. There are primarily five types of elderly care assistive devices: mobile aid, transfer aid, pressure reducing device, bathroom assistive device, and safety assistive device. Assistive devices provide convenience to the lives of those with mobility impairments and alleviate the stress for caregivers. Aged care will be the mainstream of future medical economy. The successful adv...


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TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網

Taiwanese Products at Your Finger Tips - Stay productive, wherever and whenever

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Taiwantrade Mobile-a mobile B2B platform. Helping you connect with Taiwanese suppliers! Available in English, Japanese, and Chinese. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網

Expanding on Foreign Buyers Sourcing from Taiwan

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The Market Development Department was established by TAITRA to help businesses develop overseas markets. In response to increasing centralization and enlargement of global marketing channels, TAITRA hosts purchasing conferences to encourage foreign buyers to consider Taiwan as a source. Buyers for emerging markets are also actively invited to visit Taiwan to open up new marketing opportunities. Chinese policy opportunities are also exploited with Chinese buyer delegations invited to visit Taiwan to help local businesses develop their Chinese market. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網