7 筆資料

(6s) 歐典生物科技O.D Gourmet|Ice coffee drink - Vanilla, Cappuccino, Original, Mochacchino

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 http://www.ou-dean.com.tw/ 1. Any time, any place, just open and enjoy the simple, relaxing moment with O.D gourmet coffee. 2. Drinking coffee can be easy and fasionable. Elegant can shape shows your outstanding taste. 3. Premium blened coffee bean and well brewed brings you a deep aroma. #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts #coffee Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com

歐典生物科技O.D Gourmet|Ice coffee drink - Vanilla, Cappuccino, Original, Mochacchino

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 http://www.ou-dean.com.tw/ 1. Any time, any place, just open and enjoy the simple, relaxing moment with O.D gourmet coffee. 2. Drinking coffee can be easy and fasionable. Elegant can shape shows your outstanding taste. 3. Premium blened coffee bean and well brewed brings you a deep aroma. #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts #coffee #food Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com

JXF TRADING CORP. - Liquid Dispenser, Container, Soap

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Know more: http://jxf.en.taiwantrade.com JXF Trading Corp. was established in 1995., abide Living with Quality & Style for the first principle of our production developing standards take the advantage on both Mass Production & Small Lot Process, continue with 30 years in international trading business, covering import, export & OEM terms. We have capable & aggressive staffs service for you. Our subsidiary factory major in plastic, metal, leather, wood, glass & ceramic crafts process. We have some partnership with Cosmetic, Sports Rain Coat. Also we supply hi-tech Electric Components & Materials to local Taiwan,...

SHEEN BADGE CO., LTD. - Badge,Medal,Jewelry

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More info :https://sheenbadge.en.taiwantrade.com/ Being one of the leading manufacturer of jewelry products since 1976, we have gained a good reputation from our customers. All the items are completed in one roof from designing to packaging with experience workers and efficient equipment. High quality products and the best services constructed by ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 . Your long-term reliable supplier. Contact us: https://sheenbadge.en.taiwantrade.com/contact/supplier #Taiwantrade Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com

TRON YI SHUEN CO., LTD. - BIKE apparel & accessories

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More info: http://tronthesolution.en.taiwantrade.com TRON is established in 1987 and started fiber product. As for factory moved to China mostly and hard situation, we decided to end the business.In 2014, the new generation have much passion for cycling and got to understand Taiwan bicycle market and suppliers . They carried on company business with bike parts and accessories. After further searching, we found more companies have great design and high-quality but the sales were not as expectation for insufficient marketing. We may be small, but the brands we work on aren’t.We are hopeful to bring Taiwan ...

Peng-Yun Technology (Water filter bottle antibacterial ,2 body in 1)

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Water filter bottle,water filter kettle,water filter cup Capacity:500cc. SGS inhibited 4 bacterias More info please email to: miron@seed.net.tw https://www.taiwantrade.com/company/140637 Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com

綠色商機大未來- 傳統翻身 綠色再造

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穩居台灣前三大外銷產業的紡織業,曾經承載台灣經濟起飛,提供豐沛的就業機會。隨著貿易自由化,台灣的傳統產業面臨轉型存亡之際,紡織業即須擺脫低價競爭,尋找屬於產業的新藍海 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網