109 筆資料

(6s) 龍泰生技實業社 longtime|SAUBER Collagen

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts ● Know more 👉 http://pse.is/588gsd SAUBER Collagen – Miracle Road of Skin Through SAUBER collagen, reveal the secret of youthful beauty from within, carefully crafted Sauber Collagen combines advanced science with natural excellence. Gold formula: Collagen, Glucosamine, Chondroitin, VitaminD3, Calcium Lactate, cat's claw, MSM, A strong supplement formula of Calcium absorption. Main features: 1. High-Purity Hydrolyzed Collagen: Our formula uses high-quality hydrolyzed collagen to ensure optimal absorption and efficacy. 2. Youthful radiance: Collagen is a substance to conn...

龍泰生技實業社 longtime|SAUBER Collagen

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 http://pse.is/588gsd SAUBER Collagen – Miracle Road of Skin Through SAUBER collagen, reveal the secret of youthful beauty from within, carefully crafted Sauber Collagen combines advanced science with natural excellence. Gold formula: Collagen, Glucosamine, Chondroitin, VitaminD3, Calcium Lactate, cat's claw, MSM, A strong supplement formula of Calcium absorption. Main features: 1. High-Purity Hydrolyzed Collagen: Our formula uses high-quality hydrolyzed collagen to ensure optimal absorption and efficacy. 2. Youthful radiance: Collagen is a substance to conn...

6s曼姿健康Nutra Beauty|Nutra Beauty Collagen Plus+ Collagen Peptide Powder, Fish Collagen Peptide Powder

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#Taiwantrade #Taiwanfood ● Know more 👉 https://www.nutrabeauty-store.com/ Plus+ Collagen Peptide Powder: 1. Use The Natural Powder Of Collagen – With VERISOL VERISOL, made by GELITA, the German manufacturer, consists of special Collagen Peptides – important components for supporting healthy skin. 2. Plus A Beauty Secret – With ORICERA ORICERA is a patented phytoceramides that helps restore the ceramides content of the skin. 3. Enhance skin benefit with Sodium Hyaluronate 4. Enhance absorption of collagen with Vitamin C Fish Collagen Peptide Powder: 1. It is made from purified hydrolyzed colla...

曼姿健康 Nutra Beauty|Nutra Beauty Collagen (Plus+ Collagen Peptide Powder、Fish Collagen Peptide Powder)

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 https://www.nutrabeauty-store.com/ Plus+ Collagen Peptide Powder: 1. Use The Natural Powder Of Collagen – With VERISOL VERISOL, made by GELITA, the German manufacturer, consists of special Collagen Peptides – important components for supporting healthy skin. 2. Plus A Beauty Secret – With ORICERA ORICERA is a patented phytoceramides that helps restore the ceramides content of the skin. 3. Enhance skin benefit with Sodium Hyaluronate 4. Enhance absorption of collagen with Vitamin C Fish Collagen Peptide Powder: 1. It is made from purified hydrolyzed colla...

(6s) FIT 怡天然 FIT iLohas|Pineapple Fiber Drink, Pomegranate Fiber Drink, Biogen Fiber Drink

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 http://pse.is/56mmtp Multi-nutrition Fiber Drink Biogen Fiber Drink is specially designed for modern people with the problem of dietary imbalance. Premium select variety of fruits-vegetables seeds and green plant extracts. It is suitable for the whole family for basic health-care beverages, regulation of physiological functions, and maintenance of health. Good for you Drinking Bioden Fiber Drink before a meal not only can increase the sense of satiety but also promote intestinal peristalsis, so as to help smooth defecation, Bioden is an indispensable part of health-care food for ...

FIT 怡天然 FIT iLohas|Pineapple Fiber Drink, Pomegranate Fiber Drink, Biogen Fiber Drink

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#Taiwantrade #TaiwanFood ● Know more 👉 http://pse.is/56mmtp Multi-nutrition Fiber Drink Biogen Fiber Drink is specially designed for modern people with the problem of dietary imbalance. Premium select variety of fruits-vegetables seeds and green plant extracts. It is suitable for the whole family for basic health-care beverages, regulation of physiological functions, and maintenance of health. Good for you Drinking Bioden Fiber Drink before a meal not only can increase the sense of satiety but also promote intestinal peristalsis, so as to help smooth defecation, Bioden is an indispensable part of health-care food for ...

2023台北國際食品系列展 買主回流商機可期

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2023年台北國際食品展以及同期辦理的「台北國際食品加工機械展」、「臺灣國際生技製藥設備展」、「台北國際包裝工業展」與「台灣國際飯店暨餐飲設備用品展」,於6/14-6/17舉辦,總計吸引國內外將近4萬6千人,成長超過60%,其中國外買主共計5,241人,前五大買主國依序為日本、香港、馬來西亞、韓國以及菲律賓。 本屆台北國際食品系列展獲得廠商一致好評,參展廠商及產業公協會組團單位,均紛紛表示本屆國際買主回流且洽詢踴躍,感受到國際買主積極開發新品,對於產品的洽詢也更深入、熱切。冷凍食品大廠、指標性飲料企業、冷凍及水產業者,更表示來自日本及東南亞的洽詢在展出前兩日,就已超越疫情前的七成。 指標性設備廠商更表示,受歐美鼓勵在地生產政策,不少歐美買主採購食品加工設備及包裝設備。展覽現場亦可看到許多創新產品,例如石城實業與首度與外界合作的正官庄攜手推出高麗蔘奶茶、斯里蘭卡的茶商司笛生則帶來新口味的茶葉,希望測試市場的接受度。 本屆包裝展中新設立之「永續包材區」隨處可見ESG的影子。詠湛企業開發經歐盟認證的「無氟無塑無淋膜」的紙杯積極尋找外銷市場。數家參展企業也開發植纖餐盒,以響應環保減塑的目標。首次參展...

2023台灣國際醫療暨健康照護展 「以人為本」價值核心促精準醫療發展

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2023年「台灣國際醫療暨健康照護展(Medical Taiwan)」6/8-6/10於台北南港展覽2館展出,計230家企業使用400個攤位,聚焦「數位躍進」、「醫材鏈結」、「創新動能」、「人本未來」及「全齡照護」五大主題,呈現醫材產業鏈及多元創新的智慧醫療發展,協助業者拓展市場,媒合跨界商機。 今年整體參觀人數較疫情前成長10%,展覽以「Beyond Healthcare」為題,強調業者及民眾在健康照護的基礎下,更加關注以人為本的需求。參展企業CSD中衛近年轉型打造自家品牌,今年持續在展覽中打造全新品牌形象櫃,呈現健康永續的美學概念。中衛表示,透過展覽建立與消費者的溝通橋樑及與買主交流獲得第一手的需求資訊,對於產品優化與品牌溝通有相當大的助益。 展中辦理國內外雙向採購洽談會,集結來自德國、法國、馬來西亞、哈薩克、孟加拉、巴西、沙烏地阿拉伯等共計40名買主與臺灣企業進行99場次媒合洽談,疫後復甦的實體商機可期。 台北市醫材公會與醫材全國聯合會攜手使用100個攤位,創下歷年組團最大規模,台北市醫材公會理事長林燕山表示,本次擴大攤位,不僅擴大能見度,國外買主詢問度提高,也是一個很好的機會,促進臺灣同業間...