10 筆資料

Optimizing Digi-Life with Aggressiveness, Innovation and Efficiency from Cvilux

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Founded in 1990, Cvilux dedicates in manufacturing & selling connectors, FFC, and Wire harnesses. CviLux products are distributed through European, Asian and American markets. With integrated sales network, CviLux is able to connect its Asian production bases and sales partners all over the world in a very short time. In the past, CviLux stood for stable, speedy, and quality. In the future, CviLux will go on to offer faster, better and add-on value products with great service to win your trust. This video is made by Taiwantrade, organized by the Bureau of Foreign Trade under the Ministry of Economic Affairs and implemen...


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瀚荃科技創立於1990年,產品行銷全球80餘國,客戶群涵蓋國際知名品牌、系統製造大廠(OEM/ODM)及全球經銷代理伙伴。集團營運總部設於台灣新北市淡水區,主要生產據點除了淡水之外,中國大陸的東莞、蘇州及重慶皆有設立。 瀚荃科技多年來以自有品牌深耕電子精密連接器及組件製造和行銷,,深耕電子精密連接器、光通信元件、軟性排線、線纜組件、PCBA電子機板、電子成品專業製造廠並代理電子零組件。因應產業市場變化,近年來積極轉型到電子模組、電子成品製造和行銷。 隨著與世界接軌的品牌願景愈來愈近,瀚荃在2012年推出自有品牌「O'PRO9」。O'PRO9著重於雲端加密器、無線電音產品、防潑水、防觸電電源排插壁插與智慧型手機周邊零組件的開發與銷售。 瀚荃科技以消費者的需求為出發點,提供完善的周邊商品服務,圓滿消費者的數位生活。

COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2011 Navigates the ICT Future

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largest ICT trade show, COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2011, takes place from May 31st to June 4th, using all 5 venues at Taipei World Trade Center Hall 1, 2 & 3, plus NANGANG Exhibition Hall, and the Taipei International Convention Center. The show organizer Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) announced that the show strikes a vibrant 9% growth on the previous year: 1,800 exhibitors use around 5,300 booths. It has attracted 120,000+ attendees that generated USD $25 billion in business. The top 5 countries/regions with the greatest number of international buyers this year are United States, Japan, ...

2011 台北電腦應用展況報導 3D 潮科技 Touch 新世紀

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暑期規模最大的3C消費展-2011台北電腦應用展,從7月28日至8月1日,連續五天,在世貿一館盛大展出。今年一共邀集了200家廠商,使用超過1400個攤位,全方面滿足廣大消費者的需求,預計吸引65萬人次,引爆人氣與買氣! 今年展覽的主題為「3D潮科技、Touch新世紀」,以持續發燒的觸控顯示及最潮的3D科技,打造產品最齊全的3C採購平台。 展覽期間除了各式的促銷和推廣活動外,主辦單位還辦理抽獎活動,將送出市價總值超過180萬的豐富獎品,一連五天,要讓消費者逛得過癮,滿載而歸! TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網

2011 台北電腦應用展前記者會 3D 潮科技 Touch 新世紀

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暑假規模最大、產品最齊全的電腦展「2011年台北電腦應用展」(TICA),將於7月28日至8月1日於台北世貿一館隆重登場。今年的台北電腦應用展主題為「3D潮科技,Touch新世紀」,以持續發燒的觸控顯示及最潮的3D話題,邀集世界知名品牌,打造產品最齊全3C採購平台,200家廠商使用超過1,400個攤位,預計將吸引65 萬人次參觀。 「2011台北電腦應用展」為台灣暑期規模最大、產品最齊全的內銷電腦展,也是採購3C產品的最好時機,主辦單位外貿協會及台北市電腦公會為滿足廣大消費者的需求,網羅了國內外各大知名3C品牌共同展出。今年仍維持免費入場(110公分以下兒童謝絕入場),想買時下最搶手的科技新品、品味科技時尚,可千萬不要錯過這千載難逢的好機會! 相關產品訊息及活動內容請上官網查詢 www.tica.tw 或 tica.tca.org.tw TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網

COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2011 maps out the digital age

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Computex TAIPEI 2011 was launched with great fanfare on May 31. There were 1,800 exhibitors this year in more than 5,290 booths. Using five exhibition halls for the first time, Computex TAIPEI 2011 marks a new record. Over 36,000 foreign buyers from around the world and 120,000 local vendors were drawn to the show, generating approximately US$25 billion in business opportunities. President Ma Ying-Jeou said that when Nangang Exhibition Hall 2, scheduled to begin construction in September, is eventually completed, Computex TAIPEI will become the largest trade show of its kind in the world. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwa...

2011 COMPUTEX 熱力開展 規模再創新高

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2011年台北國際電腦展,COMPUTEX Taipei 5月31日盛大展出,今年共有1千8百家廠商參展,使用超過5千2百90個攤位不僅規模創下新高,更首度動用五個展館聯展。預計將吸引全球3萬6千人次的海外買主及12萬的國內參觀業者,帶動約250億美元的商機。總統馬英九先生蒞臨致詞時指出,未來在今年9月開始興建的南港展覽館二館工程完工後,將使展覽規模拼上全球第一。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網

Computex 2011 Show Preview

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"Computex Taipei", the world's second largest IT trade show, will be held this year between May 31 and June 4 at TWTC Hall 1, Hall 2, Hall 3, the Nangang Exhibition Hall and the Taipei International Convention Center. Over 1,800 exhibitors in 5,200 booths are expected, an 8% increase over last year's show and a new record. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網