3 筆資料

2016年台北汽車零配件4聯展即將開跑 24件獲獎創新產品為展增添光彩

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由中華民國對外貿易發展協會(TAITRA)主辦的「台北國際汽車零配件展」、「台北國際車用電子展」與「台灣國際機車產業展」及經濟部國際貿易局主辦的「台灣國際電動車展」等4展,將於4月6日至9日南港展覽館及世貿一館同期展出,今(29)日舉辦展前記者會,搶先曝光創新產品獎(Innovation Awards)得獎作品。

Top Taiwan Global Brands: DEPO (Auto Lamp)

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With Interbrand, the renowned global branding consultancy as the key judge of the panel, winners of the 20 Leading Taiwan Global Brands 2010 were revealed. Depo Auto Parts Industrial Co., Ltd. is one of the stars in this tale of success. Situated in the quiet and peaceful neighborhood of Tianbien in Lugang (lit. Deer Port), Depo started out from domestic distribution, and gradually expanded its business to exportation to Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Central and South America and eventually established its presence in Europe and North America. Today, the ratio of overseas distribution for Depo's auto lamp pro...

Taiwan Machine Tool Industry 2

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Machine tools, known as the "Mother of all Industries," are the very foundation of all machinery manufacturing. After all these years, Taiwan has moved from being "behind-the-scene" to becoming one of the key manufacturing and export countries in the world for machine tools. TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網