5 筆資料

2019TADTE & Drone Taiwan

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Taiwan Aerospace and Defense Technology (TADTE) & Taiwan International Drone Show (Drone Taiwan) 2019, held at TWTC Exhibition Hall 1 from Aug.15 to 17,2019. The three-day exhibitions drew more than 42,000 domestic and international visitors, including 347 foreign buyers from 40 countries, up 27.1% from the last edition. Taiwan’s Aerospace industry has a complete production chain in place for a while, audits products have garnered significant interest in the global market. Sourcing more Taiwan Products: https://www.taiwantrade.com

JAINNHER-Make Thread Grinding Machine smarter - JHT-4010CNC equipped with "Smart Machine Function"

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Visit us:https://www.jainnher.com/ CNC machining needs constant attention and monitoring if you want to ensure precision and quality, especially if you are producing ball screws, thread metal parts, non-cylindrical parts. Experienced engineers use differences in sound and vibration during operation as warning signals. What if the machine could be of assistance and monitor itself? See what the JAINNHER JHT-4010CNC with "Smart Machine Function" is doing for you via this video. You're very welcome to contact us: saledep@jainnher.com Review JAINNHER's website anytime, anywhere: www.jainnher.com cnc,cncmachin...

航太商機一飛衝天 台北國際航太暨國防工業展重裝登場

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兩年一度的「台北國際航太暨國防工業展」與「台灣無人飛行載具展」將於8月15日至17日在世貿一館同時登場,主辦單位外貿協會董事長黃志芳表示台北航太展是臺灣唯一專業的B2B航太及國防展會,提供有志立足於國際市場的廠商展示平台。本屆產、官、學界精銳盡出,共計160家參展商、使用800個攤位,規模再次突破上屆。 總統蔡英文出席15日開幕典禮時提到2018航太產值突破新臺幣1,200億,加上外商持續加碼對臺的訂單,出口值成長超過60%,此外為鼓勵無人機的研發,未來也將修改相關法規讓無人機發展更加順利。經濟部工業局呂正華局長表示將以開發關鍵技術、建置供應鏈體系、取得品保認證及國防自主商機做為推動航太產業的主要目標。 全球航太市場持續升溫,未來20年新機總市值將達6兆美元,臺灣以精良的製造品質成為國際航空大廠的零件供應商,加以政府推動5+2產業創新計畫,國機國造釋出龐大的國防內需商機。本屆國防館、航太公會區及太空科技產業區皆擴大展出規模,其中三軍與中科院聯手發表難得一見的戰備武器及軍事模擬系統,產業龍頭漢翔除備受矚目的高教機零件外,還將展現生產線自動化的成果,國家太空中心則會將福衛七號衛星相關的科研成果...

2017 TADTE, building the strongest air supply chain

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The Taipei Aerospace & Defense Technology Exhibition (TADTE) as well as the first edition of Drone Taiwan, held at TWTC Exhibition Hall 1 from Aug. 17 to 19. The three-day exhibitions drew more than 30,000 domestic and international visitors, including 273 foreign buyers from 37 countries, up 4.5% from the last edition. Taiwan's aerospace and defense product offerings are both diverse and comprehensive, having won praise from many overseas buyers.

IRWIN - The Uncrowned King of Bicycle Parts and Accessories

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IRWIN was founded in 1985 and began concentrating on the development and export of high-end bicycle parts and accessories in 1996. Michael Chen, the president of IRWIN, had previously worked in the aerospace industry. His solid engineering background convinced many customers to entrust the development of high-end bicycle parts to IRWIN. IRWIN now has nearly 20 years of experience in the bicycle industry and has good rapport with long-term partners. They know that we are almost obsessive about quality. We know the strengths of each partner as well. This mutual understanding means we have...