Know more: Lu Chou Machine is a professional auto parts manufacturer located in Linkou District, New Taipei City. Established in 1968 and officially registered as Lu Chou Machine Co., Ltd. in 1984, the company relocated to Gong 9th Rd, New Taipei City in 1994. Our commitment to precision components and accurate delivery schedules has allowed us to serve customers worldwide. We invest in advanced equipment and technology to ensure world-class manufacturing capabilities and our mission is to provide exceptional service to our customers. We are proud to understan...
Know more: Wentai Technology Corp. established in 1983 in Taiwan, has over 40 years of experience in providing power supply , LED smart lighting, ATX power supply unit, car electronics, ICT electronics OEM/ODM solutions and PCB assembly service . Wentai Technology has in-house R&D department where all of product designing, drafting, building and testing are done. Our production facilities are based in New Taipei City of Taiwan, Shenzhen and Suzhou of China. Wentai Technology designs, develops, and manufactures products for leading lighting and electronics device supplie...
2023年「台北國際汽機車零配件展(TAIPEI AMPA)」、「台北國際車用電子展(AUTOTRONICS TAIPEI)」及「台灣國際智慧移動展(2035 E-Mobility Taiwan)」於(12)日在台北南港展覽館1館1&4樓盛大開展。今年三展首次同期同地展出,吸引國內外830名業者參展,展出規模達2,200個攤位,除了國內企業參展踴躍,還有來自17國的國際參展商,其中加拿大更以國家館方式在智慧移動展展出,展現全球產業能量與最新產品及技術,完整呈現汽機車和智慧移動生態系。 本屆指標大廠精銳盡出、全方位展示從燃油移動邁向電動及智慧移動的解決方案。汽機車零配件方面,有摩擦材龍頭南晃之環保煞車片,龍鋒、巨鎧、秀山展出各式LED車燈,以及台灣柏釧、晨耀展出的最新改裝零配件。電動車方面,從上游格斯、迪吉亞的電池模組,中游士林電機、太平洋電線電纜的動力馬達,台達、馳諾瓦的高效能充電樁,到下游成運汽車的全國第一台電動城際巴士、經濟部技術處(mTARC)展出的我國第一部量產智慧電動小巴,鴻海精密展出的3款電動車Model C、Model B、Model V,以及和泰集團展出的TOYOTA最新氫能電動車MIRAI...
由外貿協會主辦的2022年「台北國際汽機車零配件展」(Taipei AMPA)及與台灣區電機電子工業同業公會共同主辦的「台北國際車用電子展」(Autotronics Taipei),4/20於南港展覽1館盛大開幕。本屆近600家廠商齊聚,橫跨11主題展區,使用1,300個攤位,規模較上屆(2021年)成長54%,展出上千件台灣高品質的OEM、售後服務零組件。 本屆展覽主題為配合全球汽配產業「C.A.S.E-車聯網、自駕、共享、電動」市場趨勢,展出電動車核心「電池、電驅、電控」三電系統的最新技術與產品。貿協表示,搭配已在4月11日啟動的AMPA DigitalGo線上平台,同步串聯線上、線下展覽,吸引全球超過60國逾1,700名國際參觀者,其中包含來自日本、美國、中國、新加坡、印尼的指標買主;而四天的實體展覽也預計將吸引國內外產官學研等專業人士到場參觀。 指標廠商包括「南晃」、「彰茂」、「陽旻」、「台灣易格斯」;另電動車及智慧運輸展區將展出特斯拉供應鏈「大亞電線電纜」、「健和興端子」、「本土」、「和勤精機」、「致茂電子」;車聯網協會也集結10家業者籌組「車聯網主題館」,以及台灣車輛移動研發聯盟主題館等,為全球...
Know more: ThinkChange Composite Co. Ltd. joined the field of carbon fiber in 2015, and accumulated lots of experiences, becoming valuable and powerful in a relatively short time. In 2017, we established our brand named KAVULUNGAN. Under strict quality guidelines, supervision of engineering experts, and molds produced by the parent company, ThinkChange has become an expert in carbon fiber composites, design, and application. We also take OEM and ODM projects. We not only specialize in the engineering of carbon-fiber structure but also mold development...
Know more: YAO CHUAN started to research and develop the refrigerant recycling equipments since 1989,and furthered the production and manufacture of automotive air conditioning systems maintenance machine and refrigerant equipments . We have different types of refrigerant recycling equipments for different operating environment, including air conditioning repair plants, vehicle maintenance plants, refrigerant recycling treatment plants, waste recycling plants, and refrigerant processing equipments for cars, buses, public transports. YAO CHUAN has received reco...
More info: Founded in 2003, Long In Tech Co., Ltd is devoted to research and development, designing and manufacturing of mobile digital surveillance systems. LITCO has been acting as pioneer and leader in the same industries for years. The first mini driving recorder for private car was made by LITCO in Taiwan. With the backup of the most experienced sales team and strong R&D team, we dominate much of the market in high technology digital surveillance. We customized many DVR system products for foreign countries, such as UK police body-worn-video, JAPAN p...
Know more: KAI GIU Enterprise Co., Ltd supply 100% made in Taiwan quality aftermarket spare parts of your automobiles and trucks. We specialize in brake system parts, engine parts, transmission parts, suspension parts, and rubber parts. Meanwhile, we also work with customers under exclusive-solution project. Contact us: #Taiwantrade #TaiwanProducts Sourcing more Taiwan Products: