Know more: Wentai Technology Corp. established in 1983 in Taiwan, has over 40 years of experience in providing power supply , LED smart lighting, ATX power supply unit, car electronics, ICT electronics OEM/ODM solutions and PCB assembly service . Wentai Technology has in-house R&D department where all of product designing, drafting, building and testing are done. Our production facilities are based in New Taipei City of Taiwan, Shenzhen and Suzhou of China. Wentai Technology designs, develops, and manufactures products for leading lighting and electronics device supplie...
外貿協會參加由世界貿易組織(WTO)、國際商會(ICC)及國際貿易中心(ITC)合辦,Google、Zoom贊助之「Digital Champions for Small Business」國際提案競賽參加WTO、ICC、ITC共同舉辦首屆Digital Champions for Small Business國際提案競賽,數位商務處之提案「Digital trade platform for facilitating the MSMEs x startup ecosystem(運用數位貿易平台橋接新創科技量能與MSMEs,打造數位貿易生態圈)」自逾100項提案中脫穎而出,榮獲首獎,為亞洲唯一獲獎單位,12月2日線上頒獎典禮精彩片段,讓我們一起見證這榮耀的一刻~ 00:00 典禮開始 00:10 WTO主持人開場 00:34 ICC(國際商會)致詞 00:55 ITC(國際貿易中心)致詞 01:05 Google致詞 01:17 Zoom致詞 01:25 頒獎開始 01:44 獲獎團隊TAITRA(中華民國對外貿易發展協會) 02:10 TAITRA秘書長發表感言 03:52 活動結束 #台灣之光 #亞洲唯一 #數位冠軍 #世界貿易組織 #WTO #Digital Champions ...
Know more: Sun Mines Electrics Co., Ltd. has been established for more than 28 years (since 1993). We focus on the business of aquaculture and wastewater treatment since beginning and now have expanded to the medical and beauty equipment fields. And we have accumulated much know-how and got good reputation from the customer in these fields. The current product lines are magnetic diaphragm air pump(linear air pump), ring blower(side channel blower), roots blower(pd blower), HVLP spraying turbine blower, air compressor, surface aerator, submersible sewage ...
Know more: Ming Tai Industrial Co., Ltd, is a professional manufacturer of steel strip spring. The company was founded in 1966. Today Ming Tai has factory area of approximate 5600m2, and equips with various special precision steel-strip spring forming machine to support production. Product categories of Ming Tai include constant force spring, constant torque spring, constant force spring for carbon brush, power spring and variable force springs. Each manufacturing procedure including steel strip slitting, heat treatment, edge trimming and forming process is consistent product...
Know more: ■ Established in 1990, we are the only listed specialist lead-acid battery manufacturer in Taiwan. In addition to our first factory in Taiwan, we have two more modern production facilities in Vietnam. With a total developed area of 252,000m2, each has passed ISO9001, TL9000, ISO14001, ISO17025, and ISO45001 certification. Through precision manufacturing and using our quality management system, all sealed batteries distributed in our own brand “LONG” have passed UL accreditation. In order to cope with the high-quality requirements of the EU security monitoring marke...
More info: Raphael company business centers around the designs and manufacture of Industrial computer peripheral products. The major product are AC-DC Converter, DC-DC Power, POE and POS power, Medical power, Network, Telecom power, Gaming power, Adapter and Redundancy power are our world-leading products. Contact us: online shop: #Taiwantrade Sourcing more Taiwan Products:
More info: CitySmart, a company which composed with a group of energetic and young professionals, is a company that specialized in architectural lighting solutions. Providing our clients with the most detailed lighting/construction solutions and after-sales services have always been our perseverance! The philosophy of teamwork and collaboration is the hallmark at CitySmart. Working with architects, engineers, owners, landscape architects, developers, interior designers and others, CitySmart designs innovative lighting solutions for all types of corporate、governmental and institution...
Satu-satunya teknologi terpatenkan yang tidak dapat ditemukan di produk lain pada pasaran. Ini menghadirkan nuansa back-to-back yang baik, performa tenaga penuh, perpindahan gigi yang mulus, dan saat berkendara di dalam kota, penginjakan pedal gas dengan ringan akan membuat pembukaan pertama yang lebih mudah dan penginjakan yang lebih berat akan membuat perpindahan dengan lebih mulus. Sourcing more Taiwan Products: