4 筆資料

TaiSPO 2015: Your Gateway to Asian Sporting Goods Market !

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2015 TaiSPO held in conjunction with the Taipei Cycle Show, from March 18 to 21 at the TWTC hall 1 & 3. Two shows together built a great business platform for sporting goods, this one-stop sourcing hub unveils the latest exciting kit for every possible form of exercise, and expects over 10,000 buyers to scout the best in 2015. TaiSPO and TAIPEI CYCLE will be held from March 2 to 5, and will open for registration in upcoming July. The show is organized by Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA).

2015 TAIPEI CYCLE : Diverse Exhibits from All over the World

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The 2015 TAIPEI CYCLE Show crossed its finish line on March 21. In its 28th year, the show attracted over 8,000 international visitors from 107 countries and areas, growing 6% in comparison with 2014. Exhibiting in TAIPEI CYCLE for the third time, BESV designed e-bikes with the concept of "Experience Amazing" and offered e-bikes that brought intelligence, eco-friendliness, health and convenience together. China Motor, Taiwan exclusive partner with Mitsubishi and 2nd largest car manufacturer in Taiwan, invested in GreenTrans, developing motors, batteries and power units for e-bikes, both for outdoors (e-trekking bike...

Visitors Packed The Floors of COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2013!

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For 5 incredible days, visitors experienced the future of ICT at COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2013. Being the strength behind COMPUTEX TAIPEI, visitors once again proved COMPUTEX TAIPEI to be the best platform for ICT procurement. This year, COMPUTEX TAIPEI attracted 38,300 international buyers from 173 countries, a 6% growth. This five-day show featured 162 speeches and forums on the latest and future ICT trends. In total, 11,340 people attended these forums and conferences. The top of the top most coveted awards are the COMPUTEX d&I gold awards. A total of 90 winning products were chosen for the ...

2011年台灣二十大國際品牌揭曉 htc奪冠挑戰全球百大品牌

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由經濟部國際貿易局主辦、中華民國對外貿易發展協會執行、《數位時代》雜誌和國際知名品牌顧問公司Interbrand承辦的「2011年台灣國際品牌價值調查」,於9月21日假台北國際會議中心揭曉台灣二十大國際品牌價值與排行,蕭副總統親臨頒獎,經濟部施部長及外貿協會王志剛董事長致詞祝賀。 在今年的調查中,由於開拓歐美及新興市場有成,加上兩岸經濟互動持續增溫,ECFA帶來的經濟效應,今年前20大品牌及前10大品牌總價值首度雙雙突破百億美元大關,成長率更分別高達40%及43.9%,為歷年品牌價值調查最優異之一年。 TAITRA 外貿協會 / Taiwantrade 台灣經貿網